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What is the reason for not growing chest muscles?

In bodybuilding exercises, one of the muscles that are always targeted are the chest muscles. But the problem is that some people, no matter how much they work on the chest muscles, they still do not see the desired result. What is the reason for not growing chest muscles? Stay with us to explain everything you need.

Failure to develop chest muscles

Why chest muscles do not grow? for the following reasons:

Maybe you just do chest presses

If the only direct chest exercise you do regularly is the bench press, you’re missing out on hypertrophy potential. Bench press is a very good exercise. With this movement, you can increase the strength in the upper body. But there are some problems; You may be doing this exercise incorrectly so that the range of motion is greatly reduced. On the other hand, you’re likely to do a lot of heavy, low-rep sets that are more neurologically based than focused on hypertrophy. It is a good idea to use a combination of the following exercises to solve the problem of chest muscles not growing forever:

  • Barbell chest press (1 to 5 repetitions in a set)
  • Dumbbell bench press at different angles (8 to 12 repetitions per set)
  • Dumbbell fly (10 to 20 reps per set)
  • Push-up exercise (repetition)

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Not moving the shoulder blades

If the shoulder blades never move during the exercise, the development of the chest muscles will be limited. The muscles that make up the chest (pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, and serratus anterior) are responsible for the following movements:

  • Internal rotation of the shoulder
  • Shoulder abduction
  • shoulder extension
  • Shoulder deviation

When bench pressing it is important to make sure that the shoulder blades are locked in place through a low and back position. But if you always do this during every chest exercise, you’re removing a large function of the chest muscle group. So the reason Failure to develop chest muscles It can also be related to this case. If you’re doing push-ups or fly-ups, you need to let the shoulder blades move.

  • Be careful that in order to grow the chest muscles, you must repeat the high-pressure exercises a high number of times. Also keep in mind that every time you have to increase the amount of load on the muscles and increase the pressure.

You may not be doing enough push-ups

If you are facing the problem of not growing your chest muscles, one of the easiest solutions you can do is to increase your push-ups. Push-ups stretch the scapula and develop the chest muscles. In order for push-ups to be effective, their volume should be increased.

Doing exercises incorrectly

Disabling the triceps muscle

If your goal is muscle growth, you need to consider which muscle you’re going to work out first in each exercise you do. If the answer is anything other than the target muscle group, you’re doing the exercise wrong. For many people, the bench press causes the triceps to fail first and prevents the chest from developing hypertrophy adaptations. If not developing chest muscles is one of your problems, it might be a good idea to pre-fatigue your calves before doing heavy barbell presses so that your triceps don’t get destroyed early on.

Since your pectoral muscles are tired in this position, it is more likely that the pectoral muscles will be targeted first instead of the triceps and this exercise will be effective in the moment.

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Not enough training on the chest

How often you train a muscle group will have a big impact on its growth. Larger muscles can be trained less and smaller muscles more. But be careful that, for example, doing exercises only once a week will not affect any muscle completely. If you want to stop your pectoral muscles from growing, increase your workouts every week. For example, go to the gym at least 3 to 4 times a week.

Improper nutrition is the cause of not growing breast muscles

Whatever muscle you want to strengthen, you need to use enough protein in your diet. If there is not enough protein in the body, muscle growth stops. In order to increase the amount of protein in your body, you can use red meat, chicken, fish and eggs. Athletes, especially if they do intense training, need more protein sources than normal people. In this case, you can also get help from protein supplements.

Protein consumption

The best exercises for the development of chest muscles

If you exercise twice a week, we suggest the following exercises:

first day: Heavy barbell bench press (1 to 5 reps per set), change to bench press (lighter weight, 1 to 2 sets rest, pause), fly movement (10 to 15 reps per set), lower body stretch/push Push-ups, biceps stretch, push-up.

second day: Bench press (slightly lighter than the first day – 3 to 6 repetitions per set), chest press with dumbbells (8 to 12 repetitions per set), rear delts movement, triceps movement.

After a while, if you feel that these exercises are no longer effective and you see that your chest muscles are not growing, increase your upper body exercises one day a week.

Exercise to grow chest muscles at home

It is not possible for everyone to go to sports clubs. At home, working on the chest muscles is a little more difficult, but it is not impossible. You don’t have any equipment, but you can still prevent chest muscles from growing and strengthen your upper body muscles with the following exercises:

  • Slope swimming
  • Reverse slope swimming
  • rhombus swimming
  • open hand swimming

Repeat each of the above exercises for 3 sets and 10 times in each set. The rest period between each set should be 1 minute.

Two suitable exercises for the development of chest muscles: butterfly with a machine or pack deck and cross over It is under the chest, which of course can be done in the gym, not at home.

final word

In this article, we have explained to you the reason why the chest muscles do not grow. Do your exercises correctly, have proper nutrition and go to the gym at least 3 times a week to achieve the desired result and see the growth of your chest muscles. Using sports supplements can also be a good option. Supplements like whey protein supplement help you build muscle faster in your body.

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