Science and TechnologySocial Networks

What to do with pornography in cyberspace? Mehr News Agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr News Agency, immoral images and videos or pornography in cyberspace and social networks is one of the most serious and worrying issues for families. Immoral images and videos can have devastating effects on the psyche of children and adolescents. Now the question arises what to do with pornography in cyberspace? One of the best solutions is to leave the site or social network immediately in the face of such images and content.

Sometimes people send you immoral images and content. The best way to prevent your mind from becoming infected with immorality is to cut ties with the people who send you such images.

If your images are misused, you should report this to your parents and call 123 (Social Emergency) and 110 (Police). Rest assured that there are people who will protect you in any situation.

Remember that watching too many pornographic and immoral images and movies can make you addicted to it and distort your behavior and thoughts. Most importantly, cyberspace is also in the presence of God; So let us not sin in the presence of God.


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