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What to eat to increase libido?

One of the most important issues that arise in a marital relationship is desire and sex; For this reason, the decrease in sexual desire and the imbalance in its establishment have many effects on married life. Among the influential factors in the field of married life, which has many consequences, we can mention the decrease in sexual desire in women and men; A decrease in sexual desire makes a person not able to meet his and his wife’s sexual needs. In this article, we are going to address frequent questions such as what to eat to increase libido, what men should eat to increase libido, and how to strengthen our libido, so stay with us until the end of the article.

What we read in this article

Reasons for decreased libido in women

Women endure many fluctuations during their life, which has a great impact on their sexual desire. During pregnancy, menopause and breastfeeding, women’s libido may decrease. In many cases, the wrong lifestyle causes a decrease in sexual desire in men and women, for example, inactivity, obesity, drug use, alcohol, etc. are some of the things that have a significant impact in this area. Sexual desire is always in question in this area.

Among the other reasons for the decrease in women’s sexual desire, the following can be mentioned in this article We will mention what to eat to increase libido:

  • Men’s failure to recognize the sensitive parts of women’s bodies for stimulation
  • Victim of sexual harassment and rape during life
  • Taking medication to treat mood and nervous disorders
  • Vaginal dryness and pain during sex
  • Excessive sex and its constant demand from the man
  • Lack of love and understanding from the partner
  • Fear or involvement with sexually transmitted diseases
  • Decrease or increase of sex hormones
  • Lack of sexual satisfaction
  • Skin diseases and other diseases
  • Appearance changes and lack of fitness
  • Tolerating extreme stress and anxiety
  • Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation
  • Frequent family discussions
  • Confusion and conflict of mind
  • lack of confidence

It is better to use delay spray and condoms to improve the quality of your sex and prevent the decrease of sexual desire.

Symptoms of decreased libido in women and men

Among the symptoms of decreased libido in men and women, the following can be mentioned:

  • Reluctance to have sex
  • Not initiating sex and running away from it
  • Lack of stimulation in sex
  • Lack of pleasure in sex

Treatment of decreased libido in men and women

Since sex is very important in married life, it is better for men and women to seek treatment immediately when faced with reluctance, so that their sexual relationship does not face a particular problem. Before going to the doctor, some people are looking for the answer to the question, what should we eat to increase libido?

In response to this question What should we eat to increase libido? It must be said that There are many herbal medicines and foods to increase libido, which we will discuss below, but it is interesting to know that it is also possible to increase libido through the use of drugs and supplements.

Increase libido with food

In the rest of the article, we are going to answer people’s usual question (what should we eat to increase libido?); Foods that increase libido in men and women are mentioned in the article:

Food and sex

Foods rich in collagen

With age, less collagen is produced in the body, which is why the skin becomes wrinkled and droopy; With aging and lack of collagen, the vaginal wall and penile skin may become loose and droopy, which eventually causes a decrease in libido in men and women.

in continuation of discussion It can be said that what to eat to increase libido Among the foods containing collagen are the following:

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • egg white
  • Beans and their varieties
  • bone extract
  • Chicken
  • Berries
  • Citrus
  • Fish
  • garlic

Foods made with meat

In response to the question of what to eat to increase libido, we can refer to foods prepared with organic meat; Organic meats such as camel and ostrich meat are used to increase the libido of women and men. Help increase libido by including meat in foods.


Eating seafood leads to increased blood supply to male and female sexual organs, therefore it increases sexual desire, in addition to the things mentioned in the article, seafood is very effective in regulating and releasing sex hormones.

Foods containing serotonin

People who endure a lot of stress during the day and night and have a lot of mental conflict will face a decrease in libido. Consuming foods containing serotonin, which is known as the hormone of happiness, has a great effect on increasing libido and reducing stress and anxiety. Among these foods, the following can be mentioned:

  • Organic honey
  • types of fish
  • spinach
  • Lion
  • horseradish

How to strengthen our libido?

Enhancing libido requires asking the question, what should we eat to increase libido? In the following, we discuss some ingredients, fruits and spices that are effective for strengthening and increasing sexual desire:


When the human body is on the threshold of dehydration, many diseases may occur for the body, including vaginal dryness in women, which leads to painful intercourse and decreased sexual desire.


After asking the question of what to eat to increase libido, many people go to the consumption of nuts; Due to the presence of magnesium, nuts increase sexual desire and potency. In addition to the presence of magnesium in all kinds of nuts, the consumption of these nuts leads to the reduction of blood cholesterol and, as a result, helps the process of blood supply to the body and sexual organs.


Avocado is very important due to the presence of vitamin B in its structure; The presence of this vitamin in avocado and its consumption reduces stress and anxiety and has a great effect on increasing sexual desire. In addition to the properties mentioned for avocado, the presence of mono fats in this substance and the improvement of blood flow by consuming it have many effects on the sexual organs of men and women.


Dark chocolate and cocoa are among the substances that contain significant serotonin, which is known as the hormone of happiness, has a great impact on mood and causes relaxation. in discussion What should we eat to increase libido? Dark chocolate has been emphasized a lot and it can be said that it is one of the foods that have a great effect on increasing libido.


Saffron is considered as one of the most valuable spices in the world, the consumption of which leads to increased blood supply to the uterine tissue and sexual stimulation of women.


Some people are looking for the answer to the question of what to eat to increase libido that is low cost?

Apple is one of the many fruits that can be easily found in all seasons, consuming one to two apples during the day has a great impact on the sexual health of people. By having an abundance of antioxidants, apples increase the flow of blood in the reproductive organs and increase the satisfaction of the relationship. Considering the properties of the apple in its skin, it is better to eat the apple with the skin.


in continuation of discussion Some spices can be mentioned to increase libido. Pepper is one of the plants used all over the world as a spice and ointment; Due to its hot nature, pepper increases the blood flow in the body and increases the quality of sex.


Maca is one of the native plants that has many properties, consumption of this plant is very effective in women’s fertility and increases libido.


Red ginseng is another herbal medicine whose daily consumption has a great impact on sexual desire; In addition to the mentioned properties, the consumption of this herbal substance helps a lot in treating erectile dysfunction and increasing men’s libido.


Ginger is one of the most important medicinal plants and is effective in many cases such as heart health, increasing blood supply and increasing libido.


Garlic is a food with extraordinary properties, that’s why the ancient Egyptians used this substance to increase libido; According to the theories of scientists, the consumption of this food prevents the accumulation and formation of sediments in arterial vessels and thus leads to better erection in men.


Nettle is another herbal medicine that has a great effect on reluctance. People who have decreased sexual reluctance can brew 5 grams of the leaves and flowers of this plant daily and drink it after 15 minutes.


According to the experts of traditional medicine, the use of cinnamon has many effects on increasing libido, to use it, mix 150 grams of half-pounded cardamom, cinnamon and ginger together and pour three spoons of it into a liter of water and let it infuse. gets ready. When the water boils, close the container and turn off the flame after 15 minutes. Drink this tea daily in three meals in a small glass.

Other ways to increase libido

In the previous parts of the article, we answered one of the important questions in this field, so far we have found out what to eat to increase libido, in this section we will discuss other solutions and methods; Among the methods of increasing sexual desire, the following can be mentioned:

enough sleep

Adequate sleep is one of the most important factors for increasing sexual desire, and according to research, adequate sleep during the night can increase sexual desire by 14%. Due to the importance of this topic, it is better to adjust your sleep and rest enough.

Reducing stress

Successive stress and anxiety have many effects on sexual desire and lead to disorder and dissatisfaction with married life, that is why reducing stress is very useful for increasing sexual desire.

Strategies to reduce stress include:

  • Getting help from a counselor and psychologist
  • Talking to close people
  • Shower daily
  • Exercise and walking


Next to the answer to the question What should we eat to increase libido? It can be pointed out that exercise has a significant effect on increasing libido. Having sex and increasing its quality requires a ready body, that’s why sports exercises and physical readiness It can increase sexual desire and multiply the quality of sex in married life.

Relationship intervals

Having sex in short and consecutive intervals can reduce sexual desire in men and women, that’s why it is better to rest your body and mind for a period of time after having sex to prepare for the next sex.

Talking to a sexual partner

The parties can share their expectations and desires during and before having sex to increase each other’s sexual orientation and desire by knowing information about sexual fantasies and trigger points.

Talking to a sexual partner


Women have a strong need for stimulation and flirting during sex, and if their sexual partner does not flirt, they become reluctant to have sex over time. It is better to flirt before having sex to increase its quality and also the pleasure of your partner and ask him about the sensitive points of the body so that there is more excitability.

final word

In this article, we tried to answer the question What to eat to increase libido to answer In response to the question of what to eat to increase libido? We examined different foods, spices, fruits and solutions. Paying attention to the sexual partner in such a situation can lead to encouragement and create a positive feeling in him; When this disorder occurs, it is better for the parties to understand and help each other to seek treatment and solve it. To solve the decrease in libido, you can use the solutions presented in this article and use supplements to enhance libido available in the online pharmacy of Positive Green.

If the solutions presented in the article What to eat to increase libido It didn’t help to increase your sexual desire, it is better to consult specialist doctors to save your married life from its irreparable consequences; Thank you for staying with us until the end of the article.

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