What was the story of the increase of 10 million in the price of Quick?

According to the online economy report, quoted by Tasnim, this morning the extraordinary sale of two Saipa products, two Quick Plus products with automatic transmission and Saipa 151 special for normal applicants and especially for mothers, has started.
The noteworthy point in this sales plan is the price changes of the 151 and Quick Plus automatic van products in such a way that in the November sale plan of these products, the price of the 151 van and the automatic Quick Plus is 278,400,000 tomans. But in the extraordinary sales plan that started today, these two products are available at the prices of 169,871,000 Tomans (Vant 151) and 287,850,000 Tomans (Quick Plus Automatic).
Accordingly, the price of Saipa van has increased by 9 million and 226 thousand tomans and the automatic Quick Plus by 10 million and 23 thousand tomans. Getting information from Saipa about the reasons for these price changes shows that Saipa has obtained permission to increase the price of these two cars.
Tavakli Lahijani, Director General of the Automobile Industries Office of the Ministry of Safety, said in this regard: No price increase has been issued and these price changes in the Quick Plus automatic product are related to the increase in the options of this car.
He added: Saipa was supposed to announce the details of the options before the extraordinary sale of this product, but this issue has not been done.