cultural and artisticMusic and Art

When first-time directors fall victim to blackmail

The director of the film “Roz-Sahsham” says: Iranian cinema has a limited capacity to respond to applicants and support filmmakers whose number is constantly increasing.

Charso Press: Hojjat Ghasemzadeasal, who currently has the movie “Ruz Hashem” on the screen, pointed out that it is a good thing that Farabi Cinema Foundation made the path of filmmaking easier for first-timers, and said: sometimes, it is not rare, a director to make his first film. He faces pointless challenges and becomes a victim of blackmail.

He added: Making a film for reasons such as paying attention and importance to the subject, creating and hammering a standard and justified script, and organizing the pre-production stages is basically a difficult and difficult task, and this is the reason that, except for a few, making a film is only for professional filmmakers every few years. it happens But at the same time, the young generation is always ready to enter this field, but unfortunately the conditions are not prepared for their entry, so any person, group or institution and organization under any mechanism can help these young people to enter the cinema sooner, I personally welcome it. .

The author of the movie “Murder Online” pointed out that Farabi should be a supporter and arrester of the first films, and continued: Of course, I don’t know under what mechanism Farabi has the foundation of helping and accompanying young filmmakers, but it should be a place for talented and educated young people to go so that they can It is definitely a very good thing for them to present themselves and make their film, because unfortunately, the first films are officially blackmailed in the face of some producers.

He said: short time, shortcomings and few facilities are among the levers of pressure on the first films, which are sent to them by some producers; And while some filmmakers face the best facilities and still make bad films.

Emphasizing that if there is a place for support, the situation will definitely go better for first-time filmmakers, he said: I believe that filmmaking university is filmmaking itself, because leaving university and just sitting behind a desk does not make a filmmaker, that is, someone’s knowledge. who makes a film before and after making a film is very different. If we remove the cycle of rent and relationships and replace it with fair and true evaluations and proceed in such a way that injection people are reduced, good things will definitely happen.

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