
Where can we get a marriage loan?

According to the report of Ekhtazonline, to get a marriage loan, you must submit your documents before doing anything. The documents required to get a marriage loan are as follows;

Presenting the original and copy of the marriage certificate (contract)

Providing the original and copy of all birth certificate pages of both parties (even if only one of the couple is applying for a loan.)

Providing the original and copy of the couple’s national card

Providing the postal code and exact address of the couple’s residence

Providing the 10-digit tracking code received from the online marriage system

Providing the original and copy of the guarantor’s birth certificate and national card

Marriage loan registration site / Where to get a marriage loan?

Marriage loan registration is done in two stages, one stage online and one stage in person. All couples who apply for a marriage loan this year must first register their application through the online marriage loan system. Note that the registration of each couple must be done separately in the system.

Go to the online marriage loan system at ( ( and click on the “Marriage Loan Facility System” option.

On the new page, through the right menu, click on the “New Registration” option.

At this stage, it is necessary to fill in the desired information carefully. Information such as national number, date of birth, date of marriage, mobile number, etc. must be entered. Be careful in entering the mobile number, because the tracking code will be sent to your number and you must have this code to complete the marriage loan process.

After filling the fields, click on the “Continue” option and fill in other requested information, including the bank and branch of your choice.

Finally, a 10-digit tracking code will be sent to the applicant’s mobile number. Be careful in keeping this code so that it is possible to complete the marriage loan registration process. The second stage of marriage loan registration. After determining the time to apply in person, you have up to 15 days to go to the desired bank and branch to continue the registration process by preparing the necessary documents.

Which is the best marriage loan bank in 1402?

Almost all banks offer marriage loan facilities; But in recent years, some banks provided marriage loans to applicants earlier than others. These banks are Melli Bank, Sepeh, Agriculture, Housing, Cooperative Development, Trade, Mellat, Export, Refah, Mehr Iran Loan Bank and Parsian Loan Fund Bank.

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