
Where is the lock of the government house? – Tejarat News

According to Tejarat News, the latest reports from the two sides involved in government housing construction reveal the two main locks on the path of this project, and at the same time show the three main brakes of these constructions.
According to the economic world, more than a year has passed since the beginning of the plan to build one million houses per year, the statistics of the banking network and the statements of some contractors show that the goals set in this plan have not been met. Statistics of the central bank indicate that 1 million and 300 thousand people have been introduced to the banking network as eligible applicants for government housing, but this does not mean that the same number of projects have reached the stage of receiving loans and facilities.

According to the banking regulations established in connection with the implementation of the government housing project, the condition for the payment of construction facilities for these houses is the payment of the applicants’ contribution in cash. Central Bank statistics show that out of the 1.3 million people that the government has introduced to the banking network, only 333 thousand have deposited their contributions, and the average amount deposited by these people is less than 30 million Tomans, while the first installment of the applicant’s contribution is 40 million. Toman has been determined.

Financial weakness of buyers

Although the central bank did not provide an analysis about this in its report, the statistics of 333,000 definite applicants who have deposited their initial deposit compared to 1,300,000 people that the government introduced to the banks as qualified applicants, means the financial weakness of the pre-buyers’ participation in this plan. which can affect the future of these projects and their construction, completion and delivery process. The reason for setting this condition by the central bank, i.e. the payment of the facility on the condition of the deposit of the applicant’s contribution, is that the central bank, as a supervisory and monetary policy body, responsible for controlling inflation, curbing the growth of liquidity and monetary base, intends to ensure that the facility is intended for The construction of one million housing units will definitely hit the target and prevent resources from being spent on building houses without buyers using loans.

Picture of the current situation with bank statistics

In the report published by the central bank, there are actually two locks in the way of the implementation of the plan to build one million residential units per year, and its coordinates have also been announced. The first lock is related to the small number of active applicants, that is, definitive pre-purchasers who have deposited their cash contribution. Among the 1,300,000 people who have been introduced to the Central Bank as eligible, only 333,000 people have paid the first installment of their loan, and even some of them have not paid the first installment completely and their deposit was less than 40 million Tomans. The second lock is related to the system of this plan.

To implement this plan, the government has defined a system in which the involved parties can carry out their specific activities in the form of this system. As the Central Bank has announced, many banks did not have access to this system until just one or two months ago, and even now, the Central Bank, as a supervisory body, does not have a monitoring dashboard in this system. In the report of the central bank, it is clearly stated that the performances show that this project has not yet reached the stage of payment of facilities in the real sense. Meanwhile, the bank that provides facilities for the housing sector has also announced in its latest report on the process of financing the government housing project that it has only paid facilities for the construction of 165 thousand units so far. These statistics show that this plan has only 333 thousand pre-purchasers and less than 200 thousand units have been pre-sold.

What is the main problem?

At the same time, these statistics represent the current state of the government housing project based on the financial transactions of advance purchases, builders and the banking network. , it was announced as the main problems of building one million houses per year, are the only main issues and obstacles to the implementation of this plan? According to the report of the central bank, the statistics announced by the bank that pays the housing sector facilities, as well as the investigations carried out by contractors, builders and mass builders, the main problems of implementing this plan are not the non-cooperation of the banks or the slowness and poor performance of the builders. Rather, this plan faces three main obstacles, namely “land”, “system” and “product”. The issue of the system and the lack of access to it by some banks and the central bank was explained above.

Withdrawal from the share brought for the land

In a strange and thought-provoking move, some builders announce that while the law has clearly emphasized on providing and handing over free land to builders and handing it over to applicants for 99 years, but in some projects, builders have been forced to receive a part of Applicants should pay for the land. However, it is not clear whether this cost was for the preparation of the land or for the purchase of the land! The figures announced by some manufacturers and companies are higher than the cost of land preparation. In some other projects, the lack of land supply in proportion to the number of pre-buyers, and in others, the existence of objections for the lands intended for the builders has become a problem. These show that practically the suitable land for building these units is not so ready and available.

Primary and secondary drops of applicants

The issue of supplying applicants is also one of the most important problems that exist in this project. Almost all applicants for this plan are tenants. People who have had problems in providing the rent for their residence due to the jump in rents and weak financial ability, so some of them either from the beginning or in the middle of the work are unable to provide the applicant’s share, and some even after paying two or three installments of They fall out of the plan. The consequences of this situation, which manifests itself in the form of primary and secondary spills, can lead to the stopping of projects; Because in the best case, the government needs time to replace the applicants who have dropped out with new pre-buyers. This issue can lead to the stoppage of projects, their confrontation with construction inflation and finally the increase of the cost price and the problems caused by it. It can also make all parties involved in these projects, including the government, banking network, builders and people as pre-buyers of these units, face major problems.

The story of the decline of government housing applicants

Iraj Rahbar, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association of Mass Builders of Tehran Province and a member of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Mass Builders of Iran, pointed out the problems faced by builders and mass builders in government housing projects and pointed out the existence of different problems in different projects. In an interview with “Economic World”, he stated: In each project, different issues can be observed. According to him, the main problems faced by builders and mass builders these days are related to issues related to land supply, payment of facilities, drop of applicants after one or two stages of cash deposit, continuous inflation of construction cost, etc.

He stated that there is a problem of land supply in a number of projects in different forms and in some areas, despite the applicant and project definition, the government is not able to supply land, he noted: First of all, the land that is considered for construction and to mass builders It is deposited for the construction of government housing, it must be free of objections; But now, in some projects, we are facing the problem of providing land without conflicts. For example, in 2019, the Association of Mass Builders of Tehran Province, in an understanding with the General Directorate of Roads and Urban Development of Tehran, took responsibility for the construction of 20 thousand residential units in the form of the National Housing Action Plan; After the change of government, these projects were renamed to National Movement, but out of these 20,000 units, only 3,000 units have been operational due to the lack of land. These 3,000 units have had 60% physical progress so far.

He mentioned the problems related to the financing of these projects as another problem of the slow physical progress of government housing projects. He said that although the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development had announced that the government housing construction loan in Tehran province will be 450 million tomans, but this loan will be paid only in Tehran city, while other projects will be paid with loans of 300 million tomans due to the weak financial strength of the applicants. They deal with the problem. On the other hand, after paying one or two installments, many applicants have lost their contribution and are unable to pay. On average, in these projects, the maximum financial capacity of many applicants is up to 120 million Tomans, and after that they are not able to provide the contribution, which will cause many problems for these projects.

The leader also stated that the government is obliged to provide 99-year land for the applicants and no amount should be taken from the developer or the applicant in exchange for providing the land. Currently, the average cost of building each square meter of housing in the government housing project is 4 million and 500 thousand tomans, and the daily price of building a house per square meter is at least 8 million tomans. Of course, seasonal adjustment coefficients are supposed to be applied in this regard. He emphasized: The longer the project is completed due to these problems, it will be detrimental to the applicants and the costs and the final price will definitely increase.

The leader added: Considering that these projects cannot be completed by relying only on the applicants and bank facilities at the right time, we have suggested to the government to create a partnership with the private sector in this project. In fact, due to the decline of applicants and their inability to provide a share, the method of attracting private sector capital and participation in land and unit clearing should be used so that the projects are completed at the right time, and more so with construction inflation and the growth of supply costs. do not encounter

He stated that one of the important problems in this field is the decision to remove the applicants who, after one or more stages of payment, are unable to provide the rest of the contribution due to their inability; The Ministry of Roads and Urban Development has announced that these applicants will be removed after three stages of warning, but the problem is that it is not possible to pay one or more installments of the applicant’s contribution in the middle of the work for whom the project has been defined and is being built. easily removed; On the other hand, you can’t wait and keep the project on hold until the person can complete his contribution. Therefore, a solution should be sought, and in this context, it is suggested to attract the participation and capital of the private sector.

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