Which banks gave the most loans?

According to the information published by the Central Bank, the facilities granted by banks and credit institutions until the end of August this year were equal to 2735 thousand and 500 billion tomans, which compared to March of last year has increased by 14.3 percent.
Also, Gharz-ul-Hasna facilities constitute 8.3% of the total facilities granted by Gharz-ul-Hasna banks and credit institutions, and the bulk of the banks’ facility performance is related to Murabaha with 29.9% and installment sales with 20%.
Numerically, at the end of August of this year, 226 thousand and 100 billion tomans of the total facilities granted by the banks and credit institutions of the country were Qarz al-Hasna, which shows an increase of 11.5% compared to March of last year.
How much did the commercial banks provide?
On the other hand, commercial banks have paid a total of 416,800 billion tomans in facilities, which has increased by 13.7 percent, and the share of Qarz al-Hasna loans in this amount of facilities is 56,700 billion tomans, which is granted by commercial banks in At the end of last year, it increased by 14.1 percent.
It is worth mentioning that 13.6% of the loans of commercial banks are Qarz al-Hasna. In the country’s commercial banks, the major share of payment facilities such as banks and credit institutions related to installment sales is 29.3%, which amounted to 121 thousand and 900 billion tomans at the end of August 1400.
In addition, 8.3% of the facilities of commercial banks amounting to 34 thousand and 500 billion Tomans at the end of August were allocated to Jaaleh facilities, which in March of the previous year was 31.5 thousand billion Tomans. In general, the major share of payment facilities of commercial banks at the end of August 1400 is allocated to installment sales, Murabaha and Gharz al-Hasna.
How many loan facilities did the specialized banks provide?
Also, a study of the performance of specialized banks in paying facilities until the end of August of this year shows that the granted facilities increased by 4.5% from 387,700 billion tomans to 405,100 billion tomans, of which the share of Qarz al-Hasna facilities The amount of facilities granted by specialized banks was equal to 20 thousand and 400 billion tomans, which has increased by 1.7 percent compared to March of last year.
It is worth mentioning that 5% of the loans of specialized banks are Qarz al-Hasna.
The largest part of the facilities paid in the specialized banks of the country is related to installment sales; At the end of August this year, 41.1% of the total facilities granted by these banks amounted to 166 thousand and 500 billion tomans in installment sales, and this figure was 168 thousand and 100 billion tomans in March of last year.
Specialized banks have also provided significant facilities in the civil partnership sector; So that 16.6% of the total facilities of these banks at the end of August this year in the amount of 67 thousand and 400 billion tomans has been paid in this sector.
Lending performance of non-governmental banks and credit institutions
According to this report, a review of the facilities granted by non-governmental banks and credit institutions at the end of August this year shows that the bank’s facilities have reached 1913 thousand and 500 billion tomans with a growth of 16.8 percent and the share of Qarz al-Hasna facilities from this amount of facilities is 7.8 percent. (149 thousand billion tomans) that the granting of this type of facility in this type of banks in August of this year has grown by 11.9 percent.
Also, 35.4% of the total credits provided to applicants in the Murabaha section of this bank amounted to 677,400 billion Tomans.