Which challenges have brought “Iran’s hotel industry” into a coma?

According to the social reporter of Moj News Agency, one of the industries related to tourism, which is mentioned among the infrastructures of this industry, is the hotel industry; An industry that has grown step by step with the growth of tourism since the distant past and has now become a completely specialized and modern management profession.
Many touristic countries have developed tourism due to various factors, including the development of the industry Hotel management Therefore, every year, by organizing various exhibitions and conferences in this field, they try to develop more scientific and effective agriculture in their countries.
Our country Iran, which has recorded the history of caravanserais on the Silk Road in its record of accommodation places, and on the other hand is known as one of the most attractive countries for international tourists, also has a lot of dependence on this industry for the development of tourism, but for some reasons, the hotel industry has not yet been able to do so. Adapt yourself to global standards and experience a new system in your hotel business.
Currently, the development of tourism is done according to cheap travel, and since the cost of accommodation is one of the main expenses of tourists, the cost of accommodation should be reduced along with other costs such as transportation.
Experts believe that by optimizing consumption and of course renovating many old hotels in the country, we can make this important a reality and witness the prosperity of the country’s hotel industry; However, many of Iran’s accommodation centers are still managed in a traditional way, but if we intend to develop tourism, we must first start with accommodation centers and use modern systems in them, because bringing tourists to a certain area is a simple task. But what if this tourist came and did not have a suitable place to stay? So, it is better to examine the existing deficiencies first, and then fix them one by one with management and planning, so that when the tourist arrives in Iran, we can provide him with an acceptable service.
One of the main shortcomings of our hotel industry is the lack of a strict standard for hotel services, which means, for example, in a three-star hotel in Mashhad, you will receive different services from a three-star hotel in Tabriz. Although a standard is used to determine the stars of hotels, but this standard is not taken into account when providing services.
The need to train experienced technical staff
Maybe in the past, the traditional management in hotel management was able to answer the demand and costs, but as the tourism industry grew and prospered, the need to use expert forces became more and more apparent and became mandatory for hotel operators. Although most of the term hotel management refers only to a person sitting behind a desk, the reality is that modern hotel management must be capable of all aspects of hotel work, even in the simplest tasks.
In the software department of the hotel, i.e. the technical staff of Iran, there is still a need to train experienced personnel. Currently, due to the growth of educational centers and the increase of students, there are a large number of graduates in this field, but unfortunately, the degree orientation among this group has caused them to have only a piece of paper in their hands, while the new industry of transportation requires their experience and expertise.
This document is only a certificate or introduction letter for them and is not a proof of their experience or innovation. Therefore, educational systems should think about this issue and fix this deficiency with internship courses.
The hotel manager should be able to plan their favorite facilities such as lighting, music, food menu or even coffee shop service according to the presence of different travelers in the accommodation unit, while many current managers only think about hotel costs and Management is considered to reduce costs.
The main cost of hotels is energy
All the operators and activists of the hotel field believe that the biggest cost of hotels is related to energy supply and it should be minimized by using new solutions. In many countries, the installation of various sensors to control the temperature or to control the presence of passengers in the room is mandatory, and many of them use renewable and natural energy sources to provide their energy sources, but in our country, the insulation system of the rooms is still in place to prevent the loss of heat and The cold has not been implemented; Because of the financial problems of hotel owners.
In the hotel industry, the facility is the heart of the hotel, so if this heart is not working properly, the entire members will suffer. Many hotels in Iran have major defects in their facilities, and since this part is the most expensive part of the hotel, many are indifferent to it. However, by updating the cooling and heating system, the cost of the service can be reduced, and finally the passenger’s stay will be cheaper, and the reward for this measurement is the high occupancy rate of the rooms.
Many touristic areas of Iran have the best natural energy sources such as wind and sun, and if the government intends to support the hotel industry, the best thing to do is to provide facilities to hotel owners to use these clean energies in their facilities.
Iran’s hotel industry is in a coma!
Many experts in this industry believe that, unfortunately, Iran’s hotel industry is currently in a coma, and to prevent a complete stagnation in this industry, the government should encourage many to establish hotels or renovate old hotels by providing incentives such as density, tax exemptions, and fuel subsidies. The first stage of the development of Iran’s tourism infrastructure has been completed and with the support of many historical and cultural attractions of our country, we are ready to host millions of tourists from all over the world.
Perhaps, by presenting the statistics and figures of the occupancy rate of Iranian hotels, we think that this industry is very prosperous, but with a little precision, we realize that most of the occupancy statistics of Iranian hotels are related to government trips and conferences or conventions of the government of Iran, this is not the prosperity of the hotel industry because The exchange of money is not done well and it is just pouring money from one pocket to another, so Iran’s hotel industry should only prosper with the presence of tourists who inject money into Iran’s economy and at the same time by hosting the guests of conferences and government events. to pay