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Which films will be screened on the first day of “Hava” festival?

According to Fars news agency, this event will be hosted by those interested today, Tuesday, July 20, and on the first day of the screening of the works in “Cinema Farhang” in Tehran.

The screening of the films will begin in the number one cinema hall of Culture, with the screening of the film “Dar Agoos Thram” on the 14th session, and the director of the festival will give a speech in the opening ceremony before the screening of this film. Next, the films “Hook” in the 16th session, “Shahrbanu” in the 18th session and “Heft Baharnaranj” in the 20th session will be screened in this hall.

Two documentaries “Vahek” and “Silk Walls” will be screened in hall number two of Farhang Cinema, which is dedicated to the screening of documentaries and short films. Two documentaries “Olympic Destination” and “Chelchelai Safari” will be shown on the screen at 16:00.

The short films “Esma”, “Sudden Throwing of an Elephant”, “A Normal Ring”, “Tireh” and “323 Months and a Few Weeks and a Few Days” will also be shown at the screening at 20:00 in Cinemafarhang hall number two.

Hall number two will host the review meetings of the works performed by Maysam Karimi in the sessions between 18 and 20.

From 10:30 a.m., the morning session of Farhang Cinema Hall No. 3 will host a research meeting “Comparative Study of Islamic and Western Perspectives on Women and Family”. This meeting is a continuation of the two specialized meetings that were previously titled “The image of the family in Iranian cinema, from the existing cinema to the promised cinema, based on the book of the late Nader Talebzadeh” and “Women in the Holy Defense Cinema” based on the existing capacities of the Holy Defense literature. And the analysis of the capabilities of the movie adaptation of the two books “Frangis” and “Cry Alone” was held in the form of specialized meetings of the first “Eve” film festival.

Also, Iran’s Book and Literature House will simultaneously host the audience at the meeting “Explaining, Strengthening and Consolidating the Role of the Family in the Globalization Process” from 10:30. Hall number three of Cinema Farhang is also dedicated to the screening of international movies from 15:30, which will be shown in the first screening of the movie “Dream Team”. In the second screening at 17:30, the movie “My father and My Mother” will be screened, and in the final screening at 19:30, the movie “The stars will guide me” will be shown.

The first “Hava” international film festival, under the direction of Mehdieh Sadat, will be held in 13 provinces of the country and from July 20 to 23 in Tehran, with the screening of 40 feature films, short stories and documentaries. This event has been launched by Goharshad International Foundation and in cooperation with cultural and artistic institutions and centers and follows the central theme of “Cinema, Women and Family”.

Audiences can visit for more information about Havva International Film Festival.

* The message of the Minister of Guidance to the festival

In the text of the message of the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Mohammad Mehdi Esmaili, to the first Hawa International Film Festival, it is stated: “Relying on Iranian Islamic customs and rituals, the art and medium of cinema strives to responsibly portray the concern of justice, dignity and social identity and is an excellent model artistically. To portray loyalty, dedication and family-oriented Iranian women.

Today’s cinema should be a praiser of the wholesome sphere of the family and an honest narrator of the real face of women and justify the distinct role of the family in social functions, intelligently changing the used stereotypes of women and the family is only possible by creating believable human models and building trust. The people’s government’s emphasis on central justice is not only a political discourse, but a statement in the development of capital, generalization of support and balanced promotion of cinematographic productions, and this distinction has clearly shown itself in the existential philosophy of cinematographic events.

Hawa Festival, which coincides with Family Day in Iran, is a timely event that shows today’s cinema’s attention to the position of women in Iranian Islamic society. Emphasizing the privileged individual and collective position of women, acknowledging activism based on Iranian-Islamic teachings and redefining the family are among the most important components of this international event. In the international aspect of this event, a conscious policy has been formed in the exchange of understanding of the position of women and family, which will prevent the inverted and false introduction of the real face of the chaste and honorable women of Iran in the far corners of the world, women who are either in scientific positions or in Artistic, cultural, social, political management or in the field of economy, production and entrepreneurship have always played a prominent role. It is hoped that this cultural, artistic and media event, with its continuation, while emphasizing social justice and promoting family-oriented cinema, will lead to effective domestic and foreign cinema.

I wish that the exciting slogan of this event, “We stand by the family”, will be crystallized in the nature of the cinematographic works and the approach of the cinematographers.

Mohammad Mehdi Esmaili
minister of culture and Islamic guidance”

The first Hawa International Film Festival is being organized by the Goharshad International Foundation and under the direction of Mahdia Sadat, today until July 23 in 13 provinces. The opening of this event will be held in Tehran today (Tuesday, July 20) from 14:00 at Farhang Cinema.

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