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Which foods can replace whey protein?

If you have experience in bodybuilding, the name of whey protein supplement is definitely familiar to you. It can be said that the most popular bodybuilding supplement among the public is whey protein, which is obtained from milk. The most important advantage that draws bodybuilders to the consumption of whey protein is the extraordinary property of this supplement in muscle building. Many people may prefer to use alternative foods instead of taking supplements. In this article, we will talk about whey protein substitute. Undoubtedly, this article will be interesting and useful for you.

What is whey protein?

The mixture of proteins separated from whey, which are obtained from milk during the cheese production process, is called whey protein. Milk has two main types of protein, of which only 20% is whey protein. The remaining 80% consists of casein protein. In the process of cheese production, the fatty parts of the milk are coagulated and the whey is separated as a byproduct. The liquid that you see floating on top of the yogurt container after opening the lid is whey protein. Whey is processed in several steps to turn it into whey protein powder.

Chocolate, vanilla or strawberry flavors are usually added to this powder, which does not have a very pleasant taste, and then it is marketed. Consumption of whey protein usually does not cause allergies, but if you are sensitive to lactose, you should be careful. By using whey protein, it is possible to improve muscle building in the body and meet the athlete’s need for protein. Whey protein consumption can also be useful in reducing muscle wasting and improving recovery after exercise. The most famous types of whey protein are isolate, concentrate and hydrolyzate.

Introducing whey protein substitute foods

One of the advantages of whey protein powder is that it is easy to store and prepare for use and it does not take much time. But food may not always be available to you. It may also be necessary to consume large amounts of food to replace whey protein for you, which is unlikely. However, in reliable sources, the following foods are introduced as whey protein substitutes:

Fatty fish

Fatty fish such as salmon and tuna have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and contain high-quality lean protein. Eating fatty fish at least 2 times a week is recommended for all people. Of course, be careful not to go for fish that contain high levels of mercury. It is better not to use shark, swordfish, herring and mackerel in high amounts.

Salmon replaces whey protein

Seeds and kernels in nuts

If you are looking for plant-based protein as a substitute for whey protein, you can use seeds and nuts. These vegetable proteins are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and of course, they do not include all 9 essential amino acids for the body. But since seeds and nuts provide the body with complex carbohydrates and high-quality protein, we’ve included them on this list. In the table below, you can see the protein content of some seeds and nuts in nuts:

Seeds and nutsThe amount of protein
Pistachio6 grams of protein per 28 grams
almonds5.9 grams of protein per 28 grams
sunflower seed5.8 grams of protein per 28 grams
pumpkin seeds5.2 grams of protein per 28 grams
Chia seeds4.4 grams of protein per 28 grams
walnut4.3 grams of protein per 28 grams
Hazelnut4.2 grams of protein per 28 grams
Brazil nuts4 grams of protein per 28 grams


A medium-sized egg provides your body with 6 to 7 grams of high-quality protein. In addition, all 9 essential amino acids for the body are also present in eggs. It is better for bodybuilders and all people in general to consume eggs in a boiled form so that in this case the protein is more easily absorbed and there are no health problems. Eggs are low in calories and provide the body with many nutrients including choline.

Greek yogurt

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Greek yogurt is thicker than regular yogurt because the whey has been strained. As an alternative to whey protein, you can use Greek yogurt. There are 17 to 20 grams of protein in every 170 to 200 grams of Greek yogurt. This popular snack can also provide 20% of the body’s daily calcium requirement. To increase the antioxidant effect, it is better to add some berries, bananas, apples or other fruits to Greek yogurt.

Greek yogurt


Quinoa is a seed. Each cup of cooked quinoa has 8 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber, 39 grams of carbohydrates and 4 grams of fat. Manganese, magnesium, folate and zinc (zinc) are the most prominent nutrients in quinoa. Quinoa also contains flavonoids such as quercetin and Kaempferol which have significant anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-cancer and anti-depressant effects. If you suffer from gluten intolerance, you can use this gluten-free food. The interesting thing is that quinoa contains all 9 essential amino acids for the body and therefore it is considered an excellent source of protein.


You may not believe it, but half a cup of cooked lentils has about 12 grams of protein. Of course, you should know that the protein in lentils lacks some of the nine essential amino acids for the body, but still, if you use it in combination with brown rice, it will become a complete protein. Lentils contain high amounts of folate, iron, zinc, niacin, potassium and phosphorus and provide useful fiber for the body’s digestive system.

Cottage cheese

As an alternative to whey protein, another food item that you can consume is cottage cheese. One cup of this cheese has 28 grams of protein. On the other hand, this cheese contains the mineral selenium in optimal amounts and is suitable for thyroid health. Calcium, vitamin B12, riboflavin, phosphorus, folate, etc. are the nutrients in cottage cheese. At the same time, this cheese is low in calories and is considered a suitable option for people who are looking for slimming and weight loss.

Bodybuilding supplement price

See the price of bodybuilding supplements in different types at Positive Green online pharmacy and make an online purchase if you wish.

Whey protein replacement supplements

For any reason, if you don’t want to use whey protein, you can replace it with the following sports supplements:

  • Pea protein powder
  • Hemp protein
  • Brown rice
  • Soy protein
  • Egg white powder (albumin)
  • Casein protein

Also, if you are looking for an animal protein source, you can use beef protein.

final word

You can use some foods rich in protein as a substitute for whey protein. We have introduced some examples of this type of food to you in this article. Also, you can use some other protein supplements like casein or albumin instead of whey protein. In general, if you exercise, you may need more protein than usual. For this reason, in many cases, you should use protein powders available in the market. You can get these protein powders online from Positive Green Pharmacy.

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