Which listed companies increased their capital?

According to Tejarat News, based on the announcement published on Kedal website, several stock exchange companies registered their capital increase in the fourth week of December.
Accordingly, the National Iranian Lead and Zinc Company with the symbol فسربRecorded a capital increase of 3342%. The capital of this company increased from 32 billion and 200 million tomans to 1,108 billion and 212 million tomans. This increase has been done from the place of revaluation surplus of assets and has been registered with the company registration authority.
Post Bank of Iran also with the symbol وپست According to the decisions of the Extraordinary General Assembly, the 12-month period ending March 20, 2009 increased the capital. The current capital of Vepast was 323.3 billion Tomans, which reached 1639 billion Tomans after registering a capital increase of 407%. The source of capital increase was the revaluation surplus of assets.
Iran Alloy Steel Company with symbol Folage Also increased capital by 100%. The current capital of this company was 1,200 billion tomans, which increased to 2,400 billion tomans. The reason for this increase in capital is to compensate for the capital expenditures made of the Yazd One development plan and its location as accumulated profits.
Sobhan Daroo Company with the symbol دسبحان It also recorded a 59% increase in capital. The current capital of this company was 153 billion Tomans, which increased to 243 billion Tomans. This increase was made from the source of current shareholders’ claims and cash inflows. The reason is the financing, modernization and equipping of the solid production line and the purchase and replacement of production machines and equipment and support for obtaining GMP approval.
Refractory manufacturing and services company توکا With the symbol of Katoka, while registering a 47% increase in capital, it increased its capital from 77 billion Tomans to 113 billion Tomans. This increase was made from the source of current shareholders’ claims and cash inflows. The reason is the implementation of the plan to produce 10,000 tons of carbon magnesite bricks.
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