Which vitamin deficiency causes depression?

The lack of some vitamins in the body leads to low mood and thus depression; Approximately one-fifth of young people around the world are deficient in vitamins, which brings people closer to depression and mental problems every day. In this article, we are going to examine the vitamins whose deficiency causes depression in different people; If you want to learn about these vitamins, stay with us until the end of the article.
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Which vitamin deficiency causes depression?
In response to the question of which vitamin deficiency causes depression, we can refer to various vitamins such as vitamin D, B, Mg, etc., in the following article, we will examine each of these vitamins in a specialized manner; Vitamins whose deficiency causes depression include:
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is one of the vitamins whose deficiency affects depression; In general, the effect of this vitamin is not very effective compared to group B vitamins, but its role cannot be easily overlooked, that’s why people who suffer from vitamin C deficiency may suffer from depression. It is better to take the right amount of this vitamin into the body daily, but remember that consuming too much of this vitamin may be addictive; In general, when the vitamin C received by the body exceeds its balanced limit, the consumption of food will not be the answer to the supply of this vitamin in any way. On the other hand, because vitamin C is a stimulant, it should not be taken before going to bed; Because it leads to sleep disorders and insomnia in different people.
Vitamin D
In response to the question of which vitamin deficiency causes depression, vitamin D can be mentioned; Deficiency of this vitamin causes depression, dementia and autism.
Sunlight is the best source to get this vitamin, which cannot be used much in the cold seasons of the year. Some experts believe that each person needs 5 to 10,000 international units of vitamin D daily, but the US National Institutes of Health recommends that adults get 600 units of vitamin D daily. In general, people who intend to eliminate the deficiency of vitamin D should pay attention to the daily intake of this vitamin by purchasing vitamin D; Because just as the lack of this vitamin brings some complications, consuming too much of it will also cause poisoning and some complications.
Vitamin B complex
All B group vitamins are called B complex; B complex vitamins include thiamin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folate, etc. All the mentioned vitamins play a very important role in the health of the mind, that’s why getting a sufficient amount of these vitamins during the day keeps a person safe from depression and other diseases; This group of vitamins is water soluble, so they cannot be stored in the body.
Types of vitamins B6 and B12 have many effects on skin and hair health and also prevent strokes; According to researches, a quarter of depression in elderly women is due to vitamin B12 deficiency. Among the most important sources of vitamin B complex are chicken, bananas, eggs, milk, snails, oysters, crabs, meat and vegetables. B complex vitamins can be supplied to the body by consuming food and some supplements. Remember that excessive consumption of B-complex vitamins can lead to some disorders such as weakness, insomnia, and even anger, so it is better to consume sufficient amounts of this vitamin through food and B-complex supplements because it is soluble. gain.
Although calcium is the most important mineral in the human body, its deficiency can be seen in different people; Deficiency of this mineral in the body may cause depression. So, to supply this mineral in the body, you can use the calcium supplement available in the online positive green pharmacy.
Selenium is very necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid; This substance also helps some important antioxidants such as peroxidized glutathione. Getting selenium through food is particularly important because it is rare, that’s why it is recommended for adults to consume 55 micrograms of selenium daily, and the best source of it is edible brains and seeds.
Zinc is one of the minerals to maintain the health of the human body and mind; Although zinc deficiency is not very common, but due to its rapid release, the body may face a deficiency; Deficiency of any of the minerals mentioned in the article may cause depression in a person.
Since zinc mineral is used more by enzymes than other minerals, it is essential for many body systems; These enzymes are useful for breaking down and digesting food, preventing food allergies, rebuilding and producing protein, etc. According to the research conducted, it is better for men to consume 11 mg of zinc during the day and for women to consume 8 mg of it during the day so that they do not suffer from depression when faced with zinc deficiency.
Iron deficiency is common in many people, especially women; About 20% of women suffer from iron deficiency and almost 3% of men suffer from iron deficiency. Symptoms of iron deficiency include fatigue, lack of concentration, and mood disorders; According to research, adults should consume 8 to 18 milligrams of iron daily, and this amount varies according to age and gender. The most important sources of iron include red meat, fish and chicken. In case of its deficiency, iron supplements can be used.
Omega 3
In response to the question of which vitamin deficiency causes depression, we can refer to the deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids; Many people think that because they consume a lot of fish in their diet, they will not be deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, but it should be considered that omega-3 should be used in a balanced level.
This substance plays an important role in brain function as well as reducing brain inflammation and is very important in improving mood disorders as well as depression; It is interesting to know that the human body is not able to make omega-3, that’s why people can introduce this substance into their body by consuming some foods.
According to research, people who suffer from depression face a severe decrease in magnesium in their body; Researchers in this field recommend that people use 248 mg of this substance during the day for 6 months to treat depression. It is interesting to know that the lifestyle of people reduces the amount of magnesium in their body, for example, consumption of alcohol, sugar, antibiotics, salt and high stress have a great effect on reducing magnesium; Magnesium, as the most important mineral, is essential for creating relaxation and antidote to stress.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include muscle cramps in depressed people; This mineral is found in vegetables, legumes and also in seaweed. In case of deficiency, you can use magnesium tablets.
Only 7% of people with folate deficiency are successful in treating depression with antidepressants; But on the other hand, people who have a high level of folate in their body can cure depression up to 44%. The intake of folate varies depending on age, gender, pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc. However, most experts recommend adults to consume 400 mg of this substance during the day.
Amino acids
In the case of a lack of amino acids in the body, complications such as depression, lack of concentration, laziness and lethargy come to humans, while receiving a sufficient amount of amino acids leads to the improvement of the brain; Eggs, fish, beans and nuts are among the best sources of amino acids.
Lack of iodine in the human body may cause very serious complications because this substance is very necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland; In general, when body temperature, defense system, brain, energy and metabolism do not function properly, a person will experience negative feelings and as a result depression. Most people receive this substance by using iodized salt, but it is interesting to know that this substance is also received through shrimp, fish oil, and also dry seaweed; Experts recommend adults to use 150 micrograms of iodine during the day.
Read more: Antidepressant and stress multivitamin
Can depression be treated with vitamins?
In the previous part of the article, we answered the question of which vitamin deficiency causes depression. Now we are going to discuss whether depression can be treated by taking vitamins or not?
According to research, the use of some vitamins, minerals and nutrients has a beneficial effect on the treatment of depression and its symptoms; Many of these vitamins can be provided through the consumption of organic food as well as supplements and pills. In addition to taking vitamins to treat depression, which is a mental state; Some solutions from the psychologist can also accelerate the recovery process of depression; In general, lack of vitamins plays an important role in the body and can lead to many disorders.
Symptoms of depression due to lack of vitamins
The lack of vitamins in the body leads to widespread disorders, one of which is depression; Among the symptoms of depression that appear due to lack of vitamins, the following can be mentioned:
- Nervous irritability and sensitivity to subjects
- Inadequate concentration and decision-making disorders
- Sleep disorders such as insomnia or hypersomnia
- Constant fatigue and lack of energy during the day
- All kinds of digestive disorders without a specific reason
- Lack of enthusiasm for doing daily tasks
- Feeling hopeless and aimless in life
- Stress, anxiety and constant worries
- Feeling of emptiness and worthlessness in life
- Poor quality and restless sleep during the night
- Severe loss or gain in appetite or weight
- Muscle cramps and pain in this area
- Pessimism, skepticism and negative attitude
- Thoughts of suicide and death
- Types of muscle tension
- Severe heart palpitations
Additional tips on taking vitamins
In connection with the consumption of vitamins, there are some important points that are mentioned in the rest of the article; These points are:
- The form of vitamins does not matter in their use and it can be taken in the form of tablets, supplements and food.
- If you do not consume organic food, it is better to use supplements and tablets of these vitamins to compensate for its deficiency.
- Because some water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body, they must be taken into the body through food.
- As much as possible, consume food sources containing vitamins to prevent depression.
- When preparing supplements and vitamin tablets, buy from reputable online pharmacies.
- It is better to evaluate the lack of vitamins in the body and then start to compensate for its deficiency.
- It is better to consume enough vitamins during the day.
- Paying attention to the amount of vitamins consumed during the day is very important.
- It is better to take some vitamin supplements with food.
- It is necessary to pay attention to the frequency of taking vitamins during the day.
final word
In this article, we tried to answer the question of which vitamin deficiency causes depression; Since depression has a very deep impact on life, it is better to prevent it as much as possible and to regularly check the amount of vitamins in the body. According to the research of researchers, some methods help to improve and prevent depression, one of which is the consumption of vitamins and solutions recommended by psychologists; It is better not to act arbitrarily when facing such a situation and consult with an expert in this field to prevent its complications; Thank you for staying with us until the end of this article from the online positive green pharmacy magazine.