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Whistling The story of 1800 hectares of land grabbing in Feshafoye in the name of providing food security

According to the economic reporter of Fars news agency, recently Habibullah Najafian, the chairman of the board of directors of the Tehran Province Cattlemen’s Union and Damgostar Company (private joint stock company), referring to the dire situation of the livestock breeding complex “Damgostar” in Fashafoye, said that this production complex is due to the stone-throwing of the authorities on the way to production. is on the verge of closure and this issue can cause an “earthquake in milk and meat production” in the country; In recent weeks, a detailed video report about this has been published by the national media.

The story is that according to the claims of some people, the livestock breeding complex “Dam Gostar” in Feshafoye has faced problems in recent years and has been treated with indifference by some officials. In such a way that the exploitation license has been revoked by some authorities in an “illegal” manner and even some established units have been vandalized and destroyed; But is this claim true?

* Was the destruction of places related to Damgostar illegal?

According to the claims of the officials of this ranch, the land documents of this complex and its ranching units are completely legal and their activities are within the framework of laws and regulations, but some people want to take over the lands of these people for various reasons. Last year, some people published a The clip in cyberspace tried to bring this issue to the attention of the authorities, even some reporters published video reports about the “widespread and illegal destruction of livestock farms with construction permits and establishment permits located in Shiri Damgostar industrial animal husbandry town by Fashafoye district”. .

But in the meantime, the examination of the documents and events of this issue shows that there are other important dimensions that some media have not paid attention to, the story goes back to about 30 years ago, when the government decided to move the cattle farms of Tehran to the Fashafuye area located in 20 kilometers south of Tehran.

According to this decision, it was decided that out of 2000 hectares of land donated by the government (with specific use) in Fashafuye region, about 1800 hectares will be used for agriculture and the rest will be allocated only for 226 livestock units, this transfer plan by the Ministry of Jihad and The country’s animal husbandry organization is keyed; But apparently many violations occur in the implementation process.

It is known that some profiteers took over these lands for their own benefit with a detailed planning and used different methods to obtain illegal establishment permits. They did not find it, and meanwhile, illegal actions in the field of construction and change of use have been carried out with ease and without disturbance. In the following, we will review the details of some of the claims made.

According to the follow-ups, the available documents show that the destroyed units lacked legal permission and even some of them were in national lands; For this reason, some units have been ordered to be demolished based on the official and legal decision of the Commission, Article 99 of the Municipal Law due to unauthorized change of use; Therefore, the claim made about the illegality of the destruction of built places is completely false and cannot be accepted.

Two pictures of the decrees issued for the legal demolition of places built on unauthorized lands

Another interesting thing to note is that the directors of Damgostar Company (private shares) and all the people who have taken illegal actions have previously signed an official letter of commitment to the competent authorities, that in case of illegal actions and destruction, it is possible to impermissibly There will be no objection; The signing of this letter of commitment by these people means that they were fully aware of their illegal actions.

In another part of the claims raised in the cyber space, it is stated that the actions of the district administration to destroy the units were without official and legal orders, and for this reason, complaints have been filed against the offending government officials; But no one pays attention to the “words of the protestors” and “oppressed ranchers”; Meanwhile, the rulings issued by the court show that the actions taken by the employees of Fashafuye district and the government were completely legal and that is why the court issued a restraining order against them.

Two pictures of the decrees issued for the legal demolition of places built on unauthorized lands

* Strange claim regarding the supply of milk and meat in the country

On the other hand, the claim made regarding the occurrence of an “earthquake in the country’s meat and milk market” is not consistent with the actual production of this complex. So that sometimes strange figures for milk production (at times 700 tons and even 2000 tons) have been mentioned in this complex; This is despite the fact that according to the available evidence, this complex has not yet experienced the production of more than 150 to 200 tons of milk in the most optimistic state. It is possible to provide the country’s needed meat through dairy cows. Of course, this is a strange issue, if it is true, the claimants of this article should publish its documents.

* Have all the lands donated by the government been used for livestock farming?

In another part of the claims made by Damgostar company, it is stated that the places built in Damgostar lands should not have been destroyed due to its agricultural use because these lands are completely dry and it is not possible to cultivate them. In response to this claim, it should be said that despite the existence of Fashafuye Shahrari earthen dam, which has been watered for agricultural and animal husbandry water consumption in the past years, the issue of lack of water and the impossibility of farming in agricultural lands is incorrect. In the same year 1368, when the implementation of the livestock transfer plan was started, the government, after the investigations, came to the conclusion that an earthen dam called the Shahid Kalantari Dam would be built to supply the water needed for agriculture and livestock in the region and 16 villages around Hassan Abad region.

On the other hand, the garden and fruit trees around some livestock farms, including the livestock farms of the managers of Damgostar Complex, which have appeared as claimants today, clearly indicate the fertility of the soil in this area for agriculture and horticulture.

According to one of the informants, the offenders have taken strange actions with the motive of changing the land use, which have even led to the destruction and destruction of the fertile lands of this region; For example, it is said that more than 150 hectares of pistachio and olive trees in some of these lands dried up, in fact, some people have destroyed the trees and sought to gain profit from speculative activities in the hope of changing their illegal use.

The letter of the deputy minister of agriculture and emphasis on using the capacity of Fashafuye dam to meet the needs of agriculture and livestock

On the other hand, according to the announcement of the government, at the time of land transfer, out of 2,000 hectares of land, 1,800 hectares were to be used for agriculture and to provide livestock feed and fodder, and only 200 hectares of land were intended for animal husbandry. to be

According to the decision of the authorities, these lands were supposed to provide the necessary facilities for livestock management in order to meet part of the complex’s need for fodder and to reduce its purchase from other regions of the country or its import from foreign countries.

Picture of the letter of the Governor of Tehran in 1368 to the then Minister of Agriculture (in this letter, it is emphasized that a large part of the land is agricultural and should be used to provide livestock fodder)

* 1800 hectares of land consumption

The amount of illegal land use change in the lands related to Damgostar Company is so large that it may not be believable for the audience, 1800 hectares is 18,000,000 square meters of land, while the area of ​​Kish Island is about 9,000 hectares; In fact, this 1,800-hectare land grab is like removing a fifth of Kish Island from it.

* Entry of the inspection organization and emphasis on the agricultural use of a large part of the land

According to the follow-ups, a case has been filed in the Inspection Organization regarding the issue of land grabbing by Damgostar Company, the Inspection Organization, the Land Affairs Organization and some other agencies held several meetings in this regard. Lands announces that according to the investigations carried out, the lands mentioned in this case are among the agricultural lands and it has requested to prevent the issuance of permits for unauthorized change of use.

In the text of this letter, it is stated that “within the boundaries of the lands assigned to Damgostar Cooperative in Hasanabad Fashafoye, measures involvingUnauthorized user change It is being done around the clock using heavy mechanical devices. Considering that a part of these lands is reserved for fodder cultivation and belongs to the common share of the herdsmen of that complex; However, it is expected that the final investigation by this authority will prevent any activity leading to the change of land use in these areas in the implementation of Notes 1 and 2 of Article 10 of the Land Use Preservation Law as soon as possible and the result will be reflected to this authority; Preparations for separation, transformation and change of use and transfer of 110 pieces of 534 hectares of land assigned to Damgostar Company by the same company and Dar Ray Company for the purpose of transfer (excess of licensed capacity) have been prepared based on the approved transfer plan. It is expected to prevent any action in this regard until the final investigation, by announcing the situation to the competent judicial authorities and announcing the result.

* Profit seeking under the guise of production support

Examining the documents of this case shows that due to the profit seeking of some people and the negligence of some officials in the past, many problems have arisen in the implementation process of the national plan for the transfer of livestock farms to Fashafuye region, but the interesting thing is that sometimes in some media, including the media National, regardless of the opinions issued by the judicial authorities, without examining various aspects, has addressed this issue in the name of supporting production.

Soon, more aspects of land grabbing, dam grabbing, handing over land to influential real and legal persons, the story of destroying downstream villages, etc. will be investigated in this regard; Also, in case of necessity and in order to clarify the violations committed by Damgostar Company, it is possible to publish other related documents.

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