Whistling To stoning the owner of a defective Tarai / is the consent of not receiving a sleeping car legal?

According to Fars news agency, someone in the city LamardFars province bought a Tara car in 2009 and took it over on November 2 of last year, while noticing technical problems in its gearbox and went to the representatives of Iran Khodro company for repair, but despite visiting the relevant centers 4 times. Still, the technical problems of the car have not been solved and the manager of communication with the customers of the said car declared that it is safe, while the report of the official judicial expert showed the technical problems of the car.
In that situation, the reporter on 23rd December in the organization silence filed a complaint and the defective car was accepted for the fifth time at the Iran Khodro dealership on 19th of Bahman, so that the condition of replacing the car was to pay the tax again, while the original car tax had been collected, and finally the new car was paid for by paying the tax amount dated July 7 It was ready for delivery this year.
In the end, the reporter took action to receive the late receipt of the car or sleeper car with the opinion of the official judicial expert, who was denied any receipt of the aforementioned right in the Dispute Resolution Council due to obtaining a mandatory consent stating that he did not receive the right to the delay in the delivery of the car, while the legal validity of this undertaking It is questionable.
Now, to get more information, we contacted the reporter, who stated regarding the ineffective repairs of the defective Tara: After winning the Tara lottery in 2019, I received this car by paying 290 million Tomans on November 2 of last year, while which had technical problems, including the gearbox, which still needed to be repaired despite being accepted 4 times at Iran Khodro dealerships in Tehran, which on December 22 last year in the organization silence I registered a complaint that the customer relationship manager of this company dated 7th of February in his reply to the organization silencedeclared the condition of the car to be safe, but the opinion of the official judicial expert on 13th of Bahman indicated that the car was defective.
He pointed to the detention of the defective car at the Iran Khodro dealership for several months and added: According to Article 4 of the law on protecting the rights of car consumers, if the car is still not repaired after three repairs or after thirty days of delivery, the supplier is obliged to replace the defective car. But my car was accepted for the fifth time at the Iran Khodro dealership to fix its faults, until they announced the condition of replacing the car by paying the tax again. It took July 7 this year.
This reporter received Consent Mandari also emphasized and said: the supplier was relieved to delay the delivery of the car because he had taken a letter of commitment from me and many other customers not to receive the sleeping car, so that on March 12 of last year, one of the other conditions of changing the car was the signing of this letter of commitment. had stated, while according to Note 1, Article 7 of the Law on the Protection of the Rights of Car Consumers, concluding any contract in which the rights and duties of the parties are not respected is illegal and null and void according to Article 10 of the Civil Law.
He also explained the opinion of the official experts of the judiciary and noted: I went to two official experts of the judiciary to get the car sleep, one of them considered the delivery time of the defective car to the new car as the delay in providing a healthy car. in consideration got it, but another expert allowed 48 hours of reception at the dealership and announced that the car will be in bed for only 3 days until 19th of Bahan, so that from that date until July 7th, when the new car was ready to be delivered, it can be reviewed by the order of the judicial authorities and with a legal complaint. knew
The reporter also mentioned the decision of the Dispute Resolution Board and continued: Despite the opinion of the official experts of the judiciary, the members of the Dispute Resolution Board did not give me any right to delay the delivery of the car on October 27 this year, citing the signing of a mandatory letter of commitment stating that he would not receive the sleeping car. I have complained about this issue to the judicial authorities.
In the end, he emphasized the need to implement the law to protect the rights of car consumers and transparency in the administrative structures of Iran Khodro Company and said: I ran for more than a year to deliver Tara’s safe car from the said company, but at every stage I witnessed many stonewallings until now. I had to file a complaint so that the right to delay the delivery of the car, pay the tax again and many expenses went awaycame And he took the proceedings and the reason for taking them Consent Ask for the mandatory.
According to what was discussed, the story of defective cars, especially Tara, shows the need to pay more attention to the provision of quality and fast services, which requires more supervision from the management department of Iran Khodro Company. We tried, but we did not succeed.
In total, cases such as receiving tax again from replacement cars, mandatory consent of not receiving the right to delay the delivery of the car, and prolonging the follow-up process of this issue, despite the reporter’s many follow-ups, it is surprising to us that if Iran Khodro Company responds, it must be the answer of this large automotive complex. We publish to witness the health of the administrative system, quality production and effective service delivery.
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