Who decides to import a car?

Manouchehr Manteghi added: “One of the things that leads to a decrease in false demand in the car market is the import of cars.” So to regulate the car market, we look at imports in a positive light.
We must use our legal tools, including imports
“One of the tools that the legislature has given us is import, and we should use this tool effectively, so we will carry out the work whenever the higher authorities allow,” Babian said.
President’s emphasis on transferring government shares of automakers
The Deputy Minister of Transportation Industries of the Ministry of Silence also explained about the transfer of government shares of car manufacturers: One of the axes of the eight-article instruction of the President to the Minister of Silence is the transfer of government shares of large car companies and a time period is provided for it.
Necessary measures are being taken to transfer the government shares of the automakers
The Deputy Minister of Transportation Industries of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade continued: The necessary measures in this regard have begun and all obstacles have been identified and we are removing them; Therefore, this will happen in the desired time period (six months).
The problem of supplying parts for car production has been solved
Referring to this year’s goal of producing 1.5 million vehicles to balance supply, he said: “Previously, the supply of parts had problems due to the problem of microchips in the world, but now this problem has been solved and the world’s automakers are increasing production.”
Compensate for the liquidity problems of car manufacturers with the government support package
Emphasizing that microchips and parts must be provided accurately, he said: “In this regard, the issue of providing liquidity is very important, which fortunately, with the government support package, the cost will be partially offset.”
Automakers should not allow the production of incomplete cars
The Deputy Minister of Transportation Industries of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade, emphasizing that car manufacturers should not allow the production of defective cars, added:
The Ministry of Silence emphasizes the fairness and reduction of the automaker’s payment time to the parts manufacturer
Regarding the payment of car manufacturers’ debts to parts manufacturers, Manteghi said that in March of last year, payments to parts manufacturers had been reduced over a period of more than 120 days. Second, with the method of managing the liquidity of the automakers and under the supervision of the Ministry of Silence, the automakers’ payments to the parts manufacturers reach a normal level.