Who is at the helm of the “helmsman’s room”? / The latest status of Mehran Madiri’s case – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

Mehr News Agency – Art Group – Atieh Moezen; “Seven days of Sima” is the title of a news-analysis package that at the end of each week reviews the text and sidelines of news events of Radio and Television and Home Show Network. Also, in this package, we have a look at rumors and unofficial news and we are trying to inform you about the most important news of the week on TV and home show network in the shortest possible time.
Today, Thursday, November 18th, you can tune in to number 132 of the “Seven Days of Sima” news package.
face of the week; Cyrus Moghaddam
Syros Moghadam is not very available for interviews and conversations, and his conversations about “Capital” usually took place at the end of the filming of each season of the series, where he talked to reporters and answered questions in a meeting. But after the sidelines and controversies of the sixth season of “Capital”, he has less to say this time Zadeh and has had less position about one of the most watched television series that he was the creator of.
These days, there are various news and comments about the production of the new season of “Capital”, which affects everyone from the actors of the series to boss It has involved Simafilm and even the most important person in the radio and television, Peyman Jebeli. Hamed a few days ago Anga Cinema and TV producer in “Jam Jam” program in this time talked.
Anga He also pointed out one point about this series and stated that “we are talking about the capital series, which was one of the most successful works. We are talking about a very successful director like Siros Moghadam. Mr. Ali Asgari (former director of Sed and Sima) publicly reprimanded his programming team through a media issue and questioned his entire management structure! Did the likes of Siros Moghadam and Hassan Fathi appear overnight?! Is it possible to easily leave these aside? Except the farm Cone That like this Sow a seed and an artist will emerge? “Let’s not repeat the wrong experiences of the past.”
However, in all these controversies, Siros Moghadam himself has opened up less about the most marginal TV series.
margin of the week; Live antenna at the disposal of dipoles
For the past week, the people of culture and art and figures in the official and virtual space had to pay for themselves to react to the ill-considered and unwise statement that fueled the fire of polarization in the country. blew.
A sentence that it A woman in a TV program criticized the antenna access for different people and said, “The country belongs to It is Hezbollah»
This statement also received strong reactions, and for example, Seyyed Mahmoud Razavi, a cinema producer, wrote in a Twitter reaction to these statements: Hezbollah are martyrs and veterans who selflessly sacrificed their lives for the country and each and every nation of Iran, not those who claim ownership. They have the country.”
Mahmoud Karimi, the famous speaker in the television program “Beh Ofeq Palestine” also in response to these statements, why do you invite Abtahi and Azari Jahormi to the television? And this country belongs to Hezbollah, he said: “First, we must have a complete and comprehensive definition of Hezbollah and revolutionaries.”
He also continued: “Contrary to the attitude of some people who think that a Hizbullahi or revolutionary is someone who should have a long beard or a stamp on his forehead. yes Even if his collar is tied and the rosary is in his hand, and whoever criticizes attacks him, this is not Hezbollah. Hizbullahi is someone who considers God’s pleasure in his work.
Sada and Sima itself also reacted to this and although it was expected that it would be decisive and serious and say about the warning about inviting such guests, it only informed that “following various and extensive reflections about the opinions of one of the experts of one of Sima’s live programs, relations In order to enlighten the public opinion, the National Media announces again in the live programs of Radio and Television; That Part of It is an integral part of radio and television programs, the guests sometimes express their personal words and opinions even outside of the topic and axes determined for the program, which obviously, their statements are not necessarily the official position of the national media.
week tracking; The story of Mehran Moderi’s court
In the past few weeks, the discussion about the complaint of Sedav Sima against Mehran Moderi was also in the news headlines. Nasim Network, whose manager has been in charge of running its programs in this network for the past few years, announced in an interview with Mehr that this network interfered in the process of events related to “gatheringAnd it does not have a manager, and the legal department of Radio and Television takes these issues forward. However, reporters were still following Mehran Madiri’s legal case.
Yesterday, the spokesman of the authority Judiciary At a detail He stated that “the authority for inquiries regarding legal claims is the legal courts, and based on the investigations, it was observed that the Broadcasting Organization, on behalf of the company, has submitted a petition to the court, and his request is a demand for contractual money, and the court is also considering it. to this case.”
Spokesperson of the authority Judiciary He also stated that “another petition has been filed against Qadiri Kashani from a manager demanding damages, and three court hearings have been held and the matter has been referred to an official expert, and the expert’s theory has been objected to, and the matter has been board The expert has been sent, the company has submitted a petition to the Broadcasting Organization to collect the claims arising from the contracts, the first hearing of which will be held soon. This is a legal process and legal matters will be dealt with in the specialized branch and complex with the necessary accuracy and speed.”
review of the week; control room
For some time now, Channel Five has been airing a program called “The Control Room”, which has a one-sided and critical look at the series of the Home Show Network. This program has pampered even the most watched TV series and without technical reviews, TV series are simply effects In line with harm to the family, it introduces.
It is not clear where the command of supervision and production in the home network is in charge It’s Satara which operates under the direct supervision of Radio and Television and even some of these series are supposed to be aired on TV. What is the position of this dual policy?
cinema on the air; Records of an animation
Many times in this box, we have told about the importance of paying television to cinema and how necessary it is to show movies and start film festivals. These days, various teasers of the animated movie “Smart Kid” are released and it can be one of the factors Effective In the sale of this film, it is related to children and teenagers, which by the way also includes the satisfaction of families. In the weekly and daily sales of cinemas, “The Smart Kid” has been placed higher than best-selling comedies like “Fossil” and besides the process that has achieved this success, we can definitely mention television as one of the leading factors. If this happens to other films and works, it can guarantee high sales for Iranian cinema.