
Who is the new CEO of the exchange? – Tejarat News

According to Tejarat News, in today’s meeting of the Board of Directors of Fara Exchange of Iran, the new members of the Board of Directors of this company were introduced for the 8th period and the members of the 7th period of the Board of Directors were honored. Also, after resigning from the board of directors, Mohammad Ali Shirazi was elected as the new CEO of Fara Exchange Iran.

Quoting from Puls Bors; Shirazi, who has a doctorate in financial management from Tehran University, was the CEO of Omid Investment Management Group and before that he managed Saba Tamin Investment Company. Among his other management records, we can mention the CEO of Alborz Investment Company, Barkat Pharmaceutical Group and Atala Alborz Investment Company, member of the non-executive board of directors of Tehran Stock Exchange and chairman of the board of directors of the Center of Investment Institutions. The new CEO of Farabors Iran also has some publications in the field of finance and investment.

When did Fedayi go public?

In December of last year, following the resignation of Amir Hamouni from the exchange, Meisham Fadaei was elected as the head of this exchange so that the members of the board of directors of the exchange could review the candidates and their plans for the position of CEO of the exchange in a committee held under the supervision of the board of directors. They can pay. After more than a month of dedicated activity in the stock exchange, he was appointed as the CEO of this company.

Fadaei was born in 1368 and is one of the graduates of Imam Sadiq University (AS) and he is also working on a PhD in financial management at Allameh Tabatabai University.

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