
Why did Zar Makaron decide to make cars?

According to Tejarat News, Gold macarons Why does he make cars?

Quoted from TasnimOmid Qalibaf, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry regarding the production of one million cars by a pasta manufacturing company Gold macarons He gave an explanation.

He stated that in the spring of last year, a number of large production and investment holdings signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Industry.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry added: Zar Investment Group had proposed 4 billion dollars for investment in the fields of transportation, food, petrochemicals and automobiles. Cars include 600,000 passenger cars, 200,000 hybrids, and 200,000 heavy vehicles.

Qalibaf pointed out that the review of Zar Industrial Group’s performance record showed that this group had manufactured car parts including cylinder heads and crankshafts in the 60s, and this indicated the appropriate experience of this industrial unit. Car production was exported to this group and currently the production line is being prepared by allocating land.

He emphasized that this memorandum is not exclusive to the industrial group, but it is in line with the policies of the Ministry of Industry in supporting the investment of large holdings in various production sectors.

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