
Why is Israel seeking a coalition against Iran? Mehr News Agency Iran and world’s news

Mehr News Agency; International Group: The meeting of the foreign ministers of the United States, the Zionist regime and some Arab countries in the occupied territories was held with the aim of confronting the Iranian threat. The foreign ministers of the Zionist regime and the United States announced that their goal is to fight Iran and its regional arms.

This shows that the meeting of evil in Tel Aviv was organized with the aim of confronting Iran. But regardless of these issues, the question must be answered: what is the goal of the Zionist regime in building a coalition against Iran?

1. Two conditions are most important for creating a coalition:

A) homogeneity;

B) Having a common goal.

Regarding the members of this meeting and the participating countries, it should be said that among the above two propositions, they only share a common goal. However, this common goal is also ambiguous, and some of the participants in this meeting participated with the mentality of completing relations with the Zionist regime.

۲. The Zionist regime’s strategy has changed from a peripheral alliance to a peripheral alliance. That is, it thinks from the level of establishing relations with the countries around it to a level beyond its surroundings. The normalization of relations with Morocco is an example of this strategy.

3. The Zionist regime pursues several goals in forming a coalition against Iran:

A) It is not able to confront Iran alone and intends to bring other actors to the level of its conflict with Iran.
B) Keep the valid threat statement against Iran active. In fact, it should send a message to Iran that it is making any threat against Iran with the participation of countries in the region.
C) Due to the high vulnerability of this regime inside the occupied territories, reduce the level of conflict to a third country. This statement has two advantages for the Zionist regime; First; Puts Iran in tension with a third country and also leads the regime to avoid a direct confrontation with Iran; second; It portrays Iran as a threatening country in public opinion. The regime used this category after the missile attack on Erbil.
D) The Zionist regime is pursuing a three-pronged and successive strategy in dealing with Iran; First; Consensus building, II; Coalition building and third is threatening. The difference between consensus building and coalition building is the result. The regime now has a problem with both. When the Zionist regime wanted to implement the deal of the century, only a few countries cooperated with it. Also, only a few countries participated in the Evil Summit in Tel Aviv. This shows that, contrary to media propaganda, the regime has difficulty in building both a consensus and a coalition with Iran.

F) Another goal of the Zionist regime in forming a coalition against Iran is to deal with resistance groups. In other words, in addition to Iran, this regime seeks to threaten resistance groups. When Blinken declares that the goal of the United States and Israel is to confront Iran and its regional arms, it is clear that their plan is not limited to Iran.

In general, it can be said that despite the various internal challenges that the regime is facing, holding these meetings and highlighting the threats of Iran is only to overcome these challenges, and the United States, by acting in these cases, breathes numerous artificial respirations. It gives the regime a chance to cover up its internal challenges on the one hand, and to shift the arrowhead of regional threats from the regime to Iran on the other.

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