Why is the US military struggling with a shortage of soldiers?

American CNBC news channel reported on Friday local time, Jackie Esper, a representative of Congress and a member of the military subcommittee, says that the American military should be aware that this group of young people has undergone changes.
He added: “Joining the army should be made attractive to the target youth.”
According to CNBC, the biggest challenge of the US Army in the current fiscal year is recruiting new soldiers, and recruitment has become a difficult endeavor due to infrastructure issues.
According to Mackenzie Eaglen, a senior expert at the American Enterprise Institute, many American government agencies are struggling with many problems, but the US military, as the largest organization, has the most problems.
Eaglen added: The US Army is revising some standards related to physical fitness and academic issues in order to recruit more soldiers by the end of the fiscal year.
Pentagon surveys show that only 9% of eligible young Americans are willing to join the military, and the agency will achieve only 40% of its recruitment goals by the end of fiscal year 2022.
According to IRNA from the website of the “NBC News” news network, the US armed forces are facing problems in all branches in order to reach the recruitment goals of the fiscal year 2022.
According to an internal survey by the US Department of Defense, only 9% of young Americans who are eligible to serve in the military are willing to do so. Army Chief of Staff James McConville announced to Congress last month that only 23 percent of Americans aged 17 to 24 are eligible for non-exempt service.
A senior US military official familiar with recruitment issues said young Americans believe military service is damaging to their bodies and minds.
According to this report, nearly 57 percent of young Americans who participated in the Ministry of Defense survey said that they will suffer from mental problems after military service, and half of them think that they will suffer from physical problems.
According to the results of this survey and the reluctance of young Americans to participate in military service, the US Army will achieve only 40% of its recruitment goals for the fiscal year 2022, which ends on September 30 (October 8).
According to a senior defense official, the US Air Force is facing a shortfall of more than 4,000 soldiers, while the Navy and Marine Corps are also hoping to meet their recruiting targets.
Branches of the military, including the Navy and Air Force, are offering unprecedented bonuses of up to $50,000 for certain specialties, and the military is considering allowing soldiers to use social media like TikTok, the report said. It is for recruitment.