Will the price of sweets change for Eid?

According to the online economy report, quoted by Isna, Ali Behermand said in a press conference that was held on the occasion of National Confectionery Day: In recognition of the services of confectioners to the society, December 20th was declared National Confectionery Day, and we hope that on this day, confectioners and pastry sellers will get discounts. Consider something special for people.
He continued by pointing out that we have problems in supplying raw materials and human resources, and added: The sale of sweets this year has decreased by 30-40% compared to previous years.
The head of Tehran Confectionery, Confectionery and Confectionery Cafe Union, in response to the question, why do some bakeries bake sweets? He said: Bakeries receive subsidies for flour, and some of them use that flour to bake sweets, which has created problems for our guild, but we are following this issue, even though we have not yet dealt with these units.
According to him, there are 1,150 units in this trade in Tehran, Parvaneh, and we have 35,000 confectionary trade units in the whole country.
Referring to Iran’s first rank in the pastry festival held recently in Turkey, he said: “Due to the high potential and ability in the production of sweets, we can export to all countries of the world.” But the platforms that should have been provided in this way were not provided and no one came to work. But we announced to the activists of this sector that if they have the ability to export, they should export by themselves.
Behremand added: Currently, sweets are exported to Australia, Canada, European countries and the Gulf of Morocco, but our ability is more than this.
In response to the question, whether there are accurate statistics on the amount of sweets export or not? He said: Because the export of sweets is in the form of suitcases and there is no official basis for it, there is no accurate statistics of this sector.
This private sector activist, in response to the question, on what basis is the price of sweets? He said: The members of the guild do not receive any quota and they get the raw materials they need from the open market. The price of raw materials fluctuates a lot, so you can set a price for sweets, and the prices change based on the quality of the raw materials, and the space is quite competitive.
He also announced that there is no supervision on the internet stores selling sweets because there is no access to them and everyone does this for himself.
The beneficiary also said at the end: If there is no price change in the raw materials we need, the price of sweets will not change for Eid night.