Will the production of Peugeot Pars be stopped? – Tejarat News

According to Tejarat News, Mirhossein Kakaei, a member of the academic staff of the University of Science and Technology, pointed out that the Peugeot 206 was a very economical car and its price was equivalent to 7 thousand dollars, while it had about 2 thousand dollars in foreign currency; He said: Many parts of this car are completely made in Iran, so now we produce 2 types of engines for Peugeot 206 in Iran, gearbox system, all seat and dashboard systems are produced inside.
He said: We must see the fact that removing this car will have many consequences in the society’s economy. With these non-economic moves, both people’s expenses and the price floor of this car in the market will increase. In addition, it should be emphasized that in the country, considering the condition of the road and the traffic conditions of the country, this upgrading of standards does not necessarily lead to the improvement of driving and living conditions.
Kakaei believes that many of the standards are practically ineffective due to the cultural and traffic conditions in the country and do not improve the health of the society.
He added: Now with the announcement of the suspension of Peugeot 206 production, there is a concern about the suspension of Peugeot Pars production, which has no alternative in the country.
This auto industry expert said: The production of Pride was stopped while there was no alternative; We cannot consider Tiba as a substitute for Pride, because the production of this car was also stopped and in the end they replaced Pride with Quik, which is not an economical car.
Source: trust online