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With these solutions, burn calories to the peak

In order to burn calories and lose weight, two things are needed: first, to eat a slimming diet, and second, to exercise and increase physical activity. But the number of calories you burn during the day can be increased with other methods. Obesity is one of the problems of today’s age, which not only creates an unfavorable appearance for the body, but also endangers health. So, it is better to fight obesity with safe and reliable methods and pay more attention to your fitness. In this article, you will learn more about calorie-burning activities.

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Effective factors in calorie burning

Running is one of the activities that you can use to burn a lot of calories. If you are not interested in this sport, you can choose other exercises such as swimming and jumping rope. Of course, apart from the type of exercise, other factors are also effective in the amount of calories burned, such as:

  • Duration of exercise
  • Speed
  • Exercise intensity
  • weight and height

In general, the heavier you are, the more calories you will burn during physical activity. If you want to know the exact number of calories burned during exercise, you should ask your sports coach for help. In addition to exercise, you can also use a sports weight loss supplement:

The best calorie burning activities

In the table below, you can see the amount of calories burned in one hour by doing the following exercises:

The name of the sport56 kg70 kg84 kg
water polo566703839
riding bike480596710
Stationary bike420520622

The best ways to burn calories

Burning calories with activities other than exercise

It might be interesting for you to know that you can burn calories with other activities besides sports and activities that burn calories. Pay attention to the following:

Exposure to cold weather

Exposure to cold temperatures may help increase your metabolism by stimulating the activity of brown fat in your body. Brown fat is a special type of fat that is activated when it is cold. This fat produces heat to help maintain body temperature in cold conditions. Brown fat contains much more mitochondria than white fat. If there is too much white adipose tissue in the body, it causes inflammation and insulin resistance. People who are obese appear to have less active brown fat than people of normal weight.

Depending on the amount of active brown fat in the body, exposure to cold temperatures may significantly increase calorie burn. To expose yourself to cold weather, you can walk in cold weather, take a cold shower, or lower the indoor air temperature.

Drink cool water

Water is the best drink to quench thirst and stay hydrated. Studies show that drinking water temporarily increases metabolism in adults and children who are overweight. In some studies, it has been stated that this effect can be increased by drinking cold water. For example, a study on healthy young people showed that drinking 500 ml of cold water per day increased calorie burning in one hour by 4.5%.

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chewing gum

Another interesting calorie burning activity is chewing gum. Chewing gum increases the feeling of satiety and reduces calorie intake when eating snacks. Some evidence suggests that chewing gum may also help increase metabolic rate. Of course, we advise you to use sugar-free gums to protect the health of your teeth.

Blood donation

By donating, you can temporarily increase the number of calories you burn. When you donate blood, your body uses energy to synthesize new proteins, red blood cells, and other blood components to replace the old ones. Of course, don’t donate blood too soon. In general, there should be at least 8 weeks between each blood donation. Donating blood helps to reduce inflammatory markers, increase antioxidant activity and reduce the risk of heart disease. You should also keep in mind that donating blood is a worthy act, with the help of which you can save a person’s life every time.

Laugh more to burn more calories

Laughter is the cure for many problems. Laughing improves mental and physical health and also helps to increase calorie burning. In one study, 45 couples watched movies that contained humor. It was found that while watching funny movies, the metabolism of these people increased by 10 to 20 percent. This amount of calorie burning is not very high, but don’t doubt that laughing regularly is a way to improve everyone’s health.

Sports that burn a lot of calories

Here are some calorie-burning activities that are considered sports:

  • Run
  • fast walking
  • Swimming
  • Racket sports like tennis
  • Soccer
  • Roping
  • boxing

Running to burn calories

How many calories does half an hour of exercise at home burn?

Depending on your body weight, you can burn about 270 to 378 calories with half an hour of exercise at home. An exercise like Zumba burns 225 calories every 30 minutes. If you are looking for the best sport that can maximize your calorie burn in half an hour, it is recommended to choose “running”.

How to burn 1000 calories a day?

Running can burn 11 to 17 calories per minute. But the exact number can be determined based on weight and running speed. For example, if you weigh 68 kg, you can burn 15 calories per minute by running 10 miles. If you run for 70 minutes, 1000 calories will be burned. Of course, 70 minutes of running is really long. You can run for half an hour and then use other calorie burning activities to burn more calories.

What is the difference between burning calories and burning fat?

You can burn calories while sitting and doing nothing. Calories are units of energy that keep you alive and active. Calories for humans are like gasoline for cars. When you decide to burn fat, you need to burn more calories than your daily calorie intake. The more you move and be active, the more calories you burn. In this case, the possibility that you will lose more fat increases. When you burn fat scientifically, you burn both calories and fat. But some activities burn calories but do not contribute to fat burning; like thinking

final word

Doing calorie-burning activities will help you improve your metabolism and help you stay fit. Exercise is the best way to increase calorie burning. Of course, the amount of calories burned is also related to the speed, intensity of exercise and your weight and height. Among sports, running is considered one of the best for burning calories. Studies show that some other activities such as laughing or exposure to cold air can also increase calorie burning. However, more studies should be done in this field. Therefore, to increase calorie burning, continue to recognize exercise as the best method.

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