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With this vitamin, you won’t catch a cold again this year

Don’t be afraid of colds, flu and corona this year like in previous years. As long as the cold weather has not increased and viral diseases have not spread, think about our suggestion: strengthen your immune system so that the chance of cold viruses entering your body is close to zero. In this article, we will not only introduce you to the best vitamin to prevent colds, but also suggest you to use supplements that you can buy to spend the whole autumn and winter of this year in perfect health.

What we read in this article

The best vitamin to prevent colds

By enriching your body with vitamins and nutrients, you can be victorious in fighting a cold. What seems clear is that in order to have a strong and healthy body, it is necessary that all vitamins reach the body sufficiently. But some vitamins are more important for fighting colds and flu and have a significant place. We will introduce these vitamins and minerals to you and then we will introduce the most powerful pill to strengthen the immune system to prevent colds:

Vitamin C, the best vitamin to strengthen the immune system

In order to strengthen your immune system, you need a strong antioxidant, and vitamin C has exactly this characteristic and provides excellent protection to your body against oxidative stress. In order for your body to give a defeating response to the cold virus in the fight against the pathogens, the vitamin C reserves in your body must be optimal. Citrus fruits such as oranges and sweet lemons and fruits and vegetables such as bell pepper, kiwi, broccoli and strawberries are the best natural sources of vitamin C for the body.

If the work is over and you have a cold right now, you can still take refuge in vitamin C. You may be interested to know that the results of 21 clinical trials showed that vitamin C reduced the duration of colds and the severity of their symptoms by an average of 23%. So, from now on, pay more attention to the supply of vitamin C for your body. You may need to take vitamin C tablets.

Eat zinc to avoid catching a cold

Most everyone mentions vitamin C as the best vitamin to prevent colds and they know less about the role of zinc. Zinc is not a vitamin but a mineral that ensures the cells of the immune system communicate properly. Zinc increases the activity of macrophages and destroys viruses and disease agents.

A new study in 2021 showed that the optimal dose of zinc reduces the duration of colds by 42%.

Zinc increases the body’s potential to clear acute and chronic viral infections and removes pathogens from the body. Rich sources of zinc include: red meat, poultry, legumes, nuts, seeds, eggs and whole grains. You can also get help from zinc tablets.

Other vitamins and minerals that play a role in strengthening the immune system include: Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Selenium, etc. In general, your diet should be healthy, varied and nutritious so that all nutrients are supplied to the body and there is no deficiency. do not have

Nature’s Plenty Ultra C and Zinc Effervescent Tablets; Immune booster bomb

If you want to provide your body with the best vitamin to prevent colds by taking food supplements, we suggest you to buy Nature’s Plenty Ultra Vitamin C and Zinc effervescent tablets. Each 1 tablet contains 1000 mg of vitamin C and 15 mg of zinc, and your body’s need for these two nutrients will be completely met.

You should dissolve 1 tablet of this effervescent tablet in water and drink it daily. This supplement has excellent antioxidant properties and prevents viral diseases such as colds by strengthening the immune system. Helping to maintain the health of skin, hair and nails is one of the other benefits of using this effervescent tablet, which comes with a pleasant orange taste and has a unique quality.

Nature's Plenty Ultra C Zinc Tablet

Buy Nature's Plenty Ultra C Zinc effervescent tablets

Vitabiotics immune syrup; Anti cold and virus

As we said, all the nutrients in the body should be at the optimal level so that the immune system does not function poorly. If you are looking for a supplement that includes more vitamins and minerals, you can choose Immunes Syrup. This syrup is so popular and famous that there is no need to exaggerate its properties. A big advantage for Immunes Syrup is that both children and adults can benefit from it as an anti-cold multivitamin.

Immunes syrup is rich in antioxidants and increases the body’s resistance to infections. Salt, yeast, lactose and artificial colors are not used in this syrup. The most important ingredients in Immunis syrup are: vitamin D3, beta-carotene, group B vitamins such as biotin and B12, iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, selenium, iodine, choline and L-carnitine tartrate. You can find the best vitamin to prevent colds in this syrup.

Immunes Vitabiotics syrup

Buy Vitabiotics immune syrup

Biofit Green Nature cold tablets; Herbal anti-cold medicine

Andrographis paniculata, which is a useful plant, is the main ingredient of Green Nature Biofit cold tablets. The extract of this plant in this supplement works against viruses and reduces cold symptoms. Also, this pill can be used to prevent and treat diseases such as corona. Both adults and children can use this supplement. Strengthening the immune system, helping to treat lung infection and suppressing the cause of viral diseases are among the benefits of taking Cold Biofit tablets.

This pill should be taken twice a day with food. Children under 6 years of age are allowed to use this supplement only with a doctor’s prescription. So far, no specific side effect of taking this pill has been reported.

Biophyte cold tablets

Buy Biofit cold tablets

Propolis Syrup Plus Suplus Meds; Strong anti-cold

Echinacea, honey, sage, marshmallow, thyme and extract Forest pine One of the effective ingredients in Propolis Plus Syrup are Meds. This syrup strengthens the immune system and works great in improving colds and respiratory inflammations. People over 14 years of age should use 10 ml of this syrup daily.

Echinacea, which is one of the main components of propolis syrup, is a medicinal plant to strengthen the immune system and prevent viruses from entering the body. If you or your child has a weak immune system and you are looking for a supplement at a reasonable price, we suggest you try propolis syrup.

Propolis syrup

Buy propolis syrup

With these solutions, a cold will not come to you

We have described the best vitamins to prevent colds and the best medicines to prevent colds, flu, corona and other viral diseases. But in addition to strengthening the immune system, you should also pay attention to other points so that colds do not come to you again. Pay attention to the following:

  • Do not expose yourself to someone who is sick.
  • If you are going to an environment where people are likely to have a cold, be sure to wear a mask.
  • Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds before eating and touching your face.
  • If you do not have access to water, use a disinfectant solution (containing alcohol).
  • Never touch your eyes, nose and mouth with dirty hands.
  • Do not touch surfaces that are frequently touched by different people, and if you have to touch them, be sure to wash your hands afterwards.

Do not forget that strengthening the immune system is also at the top of the above to avoid catching a cold. We hope that this article from the online positive green pharmacy magazine has been of interest to you.

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