Women whose profession is “beggar”!/”Mannequin” was produced

The production of the short film “Mannequin” directed by Seyed Hamid Kermani ended after 6 filming sessions in Zanjan province.
Charso Press: According to the media consultant of the project, the production of the short film “Mannequin” written and directed by Seyed Hamid Kermani has ended after 6 filming sessions in Zanjan province and now the final stages are underway. Post production particle for direct object leaves behind.
This short film was commissioned and produced by the municipality and governorate of Zanjan province and considering the importance of the area of social harm and the increase of begging in the city.
The synopsis of the short film “Mannequin” reads: “A group of homeless women by the mafia beggar They beg professionally in the city, and the situation changes with the arrival of municipal officials.”
Reza Yavari, Samane Norouzi, Farhad Abolfazli, Ali Amari, Kobri Shabani, Leila Qalandari, Navid Chehran and Pernia Kayani are the main actors of the short film “Mannequin” and in this short film more than 110 artists are used, some of them include Mohammad Atta Bayat, Hossein Bahrami, Roma GhorbanluMaryam Nazari, Abolfazl Khosropour, Mohammad Ghorbanlu, Alisan Mohammadi and Mahsa Hassani who acted in Seyed Hamid Kermani’s latest short film.
The short film “Mannequin” is the fifth professional directorial experience of Seyed Hamid Kermani. Since 2007, he has been in more than 50 short films, movies and TV series as a sound recording director, and before the short film “Mannequin”, the short films “Disabled” in the sixty-sixth Bushehr-Persian Gulf Regional Youth Cinema Festival was present and “dayahHe has directed “Yara” and “Hayat”.
The actors of this short film are the writer and director: Seyed Hamid Kermani, director of photography: Mohammad Reza Bayat, director of programming and an assistant director: Mehdi Eskandari, director of sound recording: Mohammad Ata Bayat, editor: Khalil Mohammadi, set and costume designer: Reza Yavari, production manager: Hamid Moharrami, make-up designer: Seyed Hojat Mousavi, sound: Mehdi Eskandari, color correction: Mohammad Reza Bayat. assistant A videographer and my focus: Mehdi Chek, designer Logo and poster: Farzad Zanjani, photographer: Mohammad Mahdi Khodayi and Nima DolatyarzadehWith Thank From Hamidreza Trading, stage secretary: Zahra BargshadloBehind-the-scenes documentary: Mehdi Eskandari, procurement manager: Sohrab Karimi, director team: Farzad Zanjani, Morteza Aghajani, Mohammad Mehdi Khodayi and Mohammad Mateen Khan Babaei, production team: Sadegh Hosni and Ehsan Mohammadi, cinematography team: Mohammad Shami, Abolfazl Vaezinia, Amir Hossein Shah MoradiAmir Hossein Shah Moradi and Mohammad Amin Habibi, sound assistant: Sina Akbari, stage secretary assistant: Nazila Akhundi, behind-the-scene cameraman: Mohammad Mahdi Khodayi, Nima DolatyarzadehIrfan Dosti, make-up artist: Alireza Melabi, stage crew: Mohammad Reza Aliabadi and Mohammad Ghorbanluclothing assistant: Fatemeh Mohammadi Shad, procurement: Mohsen Minakhani and Jamshid Kiani, Sineh Mobil: Mr. Jafari, equipment support: expansion view Near Arash Rahimzadeh, project manager: Institute Multipurpose Nazanin’s peace and independent cinematographers’ school, producer: Abolfazl Karmi, investors: cultural, social and sports organization of Zanjan province municipality with the participation of the general department of social and cultural affairs of Zanjan province and media consultant: Mohammad a guarantor.