Workers’ protest in China could reduce the production of 6 million iPhones

According to one of the informed sources of the market, the protest of the workers of one of the largest production factories Iphone In China, it may reduce the production of about 6 million units iPhone Pro in this year.
It seems that Apple is in the midst of unrest andWorkers’ protests The Chinese Foxconn factory is not spared and this issue will reduce the production of iPhone Pro in 2022.
factory Foxconn In Zhengzhou, China, it manufactures most of Apple’s premium and popular phones. The workers of this factory have been protesting for several weeks due to the strict corona laws. These protests have caused the factory to not be able to produce the desired products as before.
China’s protests will affect the volume of iPhone production
According to a source familiar with the state of Foxconn’s assembly lines, the escalation of unrest over the weekend and nationwide protests in China have caused the production line to not be as normal as it used to be.
It should be mentioned that Apple recently reduced the iPhone production target by 1.96%. Despite the fact that 90 million iPhones were supposed to be released to the market, but apparently this figure will decrease to 87 million. However, the Foxconn factory believes that it can make up for any production shortfall in 2023.
Desperate situation Quarantine Corona in China, on the one hand, and tensions between Washington and Beijing, on the other hand, have caused Apple to look for other factories to produce its products, and recently iPhone 14 has started in Chennai, India.
According to JP Morgan analysts, Apple plans to produce about 25 percent of its total products outside of China by 2025. Currently, only 5% of the company’s products are produced outside of China.
The value of Apple shares has decreased by 17% this year and it remains to be seen in which direction it will move in the future.