Written notice to two travel service offices in Arak

According to Aria Heritage report, quoting from the public relations of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of the Central Province, Masoud Farrokhi said today, Thursday, 16 December 1402: This visit was attended by an expert on the supervision of tourism facilities of the General Directorate and the head of the Association of Offices, and the operation of travel service offices was examined and evaluated. and the deficiencies were pointed out to the managers of these offices.
The vice president of tourism of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of the Central Province further said: This supervisory visit to the travel service offices was carried out in an intrusive manner and there were issues related to the way of selling tourism services, compliance with the approved price list, the validity of the operating license, the presence of the managing director and technical director and Ensuring full compliance with executive instructions has been considered.
Farrokhi stated: In these visits, two travel offices in Arak city were warned in writing to correct the deficiencies, and the supervisory board for travel service offices in Central Province has made expert visits to all agencies in the province since the beginning of this year.
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