Yazd is a model for registering other cities in the world heritage

The Director General of Bases Affairs of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage said: The world heritage city of Yazd and the route that was taken to register this city has been used as a model for other parts of the country. “Reza Sameh” added on Tuesday at the introduction ceremony of the director of Yazd’s World Heritage Site: The world registration of this city among the 30 thousand works in the country shows the unique capacity of this city.
He continued: We expect the rest of the country’s cities to use this experience and apply the expert work done over the years.
To learn more about the city of Yazd, we suggest that you read the article “Siri in Yazd”.
The Director General of Bases Affairs of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage said: I hope we can put some of the country’s historical textures on the path of revival and revival with the experience of Yazd’s texture registration.
Sameh added: In addition to national obligations, one of our obligations towards world heritage should be adherence to international treaties, and at the time of the registration of Yazd’s nationalization, we made promises and signed guarantees, and infrastructures should be provided, and all urban flows should be based on be on this axis.
He continued: We committed to bring life back to this tissue and to revive the lifestyle that this tissue reflects and is the mirror of this culture, and our responsibility is not only to restore the physical structure.
The Director General of Bases Affairs of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage said: The New Yazd document, which is being implemented in this province and with the initiative of the Governor of Yazd, fortunately, special attention has been paid to this goal and responsibility, and if we talk about the new Yazd today, it means that Yazd was always new throughout history. and has had new processes in urban management.
Mohammad Javad Abul-Hosseini, Deputy Coordinator of Civil Affairs of Yazd Governorate, also said in this meeting: If Yazd city reached the national register, it was not only because of its historical context, but also the spiritual heritage and people’s capabilities of this city have been very effective in this direction.
Ahmed Akhundi, the general director of cultural heritage, handicrafts and tourism of Yazd province, also said in this meeting: Many measures have been taken in order to preserve the cultural heritage of Yazd, and we hope that Yazd will become the international restoration center of the world, and this is just the beginning.
In this ceremony, the efforts of Mohsen Abbasi Gadradani and Majid Olomi were introduced as the head of Yazd World Heritage Site.