Year of focusing on Sepah Bank business with priority on attracting resources

The CEO of Sepah Bank announced in a Nowruz message;
According to the monetary news report, quoting the public relations of Sepah Bank, Ebrahimi, CEO of Sepah Bank, congratulated the people of Islamic Iran, especially his hard-working colleagues in the bank, on the arrival of Nowruz.
In this message, Ayatollah Ebrahimi stated that the central strategy of Sepah Bank in 1401 was to focus on the bank’s business and to make a concerted effort to provide good customer service.
According to him, all managers and employees of the bank in different units should formulate and operate their annual plans with the priority of focusing on business, especially attracting resources, and other issues should be the next priority.
The full text of the CEO’s Nowruz message is as follows: Nowruz is the beginning of the spring of nature, the time of growth and blossoming, the frequent hadith of change and message around the present to the best of the present. Nowruz arrives with an experience of the hard days of winter and invites people from stillness to growth and prosperity to a tomorrow in which there is dynamism and maturity of objective intuition. Nowruz, which coincides with the blessed months of Sha’ban and Ramadan, and in which the only savior of the human world is born. Congratulations to all colleagues on the spring of nature and renewal for a more fruitful start.
The year 1400 with the thoughtful slogan of Leader Farzaneh entitled “Production, Support and Obstacles” promised the beginning of a year in which economic growth and development and relative improvement of the welfare of the honorable people of Islamic Iran, was considered the highest priority of the country’s decision-making system. The slogan came with the realization of the country’s economic growth after years of recession. Considering the rightful and intelligent focus of the governance system on the economy, the inherent mission of the financing system in real support of the economy, the dominant role of banks in the growth and economic development of the country in the banking system of Iran, the high effectiveness of state-owned banks in capital formation and growth Economic as development banks, valuable experience of the first and largest Islamic Home Bank in investing and participating in national and infrastructure projects and most economic enterprises, creating a role in the realization of social banking with the widest contact points in all parts of the country to strengthen financial inclusion and improve the welfare of honorable people Iran and…; In this scene, Bank Sepah, relying on efficient human capital, has prepared the necessary bases for launching a new plan in the new year with the aim of improving productivity and banking indicators to support the national economy, which will be achieved in the hope of excellence. .
A large part of the intellectual and organizational forces of Sepah Bank in recent years have been spent on organizing the issues of the national plan and have moved away from the main work of banking. The central strategy of the bank in 1401 is to focus on the bank’s business and strive to provide the desired services to customers. Therefore, the task of all partners and bank units is defined and specified by this strategy. In formulating their annual work plan, the bank’s units and associates should give first priority to the bank’s business (especially attracting resources) and prioritize other issues. Efficient management of human capital, assets and liabilities, information technology to move towards digital banking, organizational structure and strategic transformation plan based on the realization of comprehensive banking based on customer classification and institutionalization of new business line processes to support the real sector of the economy and Productive enterprises and micro-financing and ultimately focusing on profitability; Will be in charge of the bank.
I hope that by relying on God Almighty and relying on the Imams (AS) and by organizing valuable human capital, achieving the goals and plans of the bank such as: increasing the money market share by expanding customer orientation, converting unprofitable assets into profitable assets, improving the situation Resources, expenditures, improving the performance of international banking, improving efficiency and productivity indicators and innovation with the transformation plan, improving the provision of new services and electronic and digital banking, establishing a comprehensive performance appraisal and meritocracy system, institutionalizing a strong communication culture It is a responsible and growing institution in 1401 and I am confident that we can improve our position in the banking system to provide more services to the revolutionary people of Iran and to create economic growth and development for the country and employment for zealous youth.
Hoping for a blessed, joyful and successful year for all our dear colleagues in all parts of Islamic Iran.