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فیلم | A report by a spokesman for the judiciary on what happened to Hamid Nouri in Sweden

According to Fars News Agency, Zabihullah Khodaeian, a spokesman for the Judiciary, stated: “Hamid Nouri’s court has been asked for a life sentence after 90 sessions, while during this period there is no minimum standard of fair trial in this court and the trial process is under The influence of false instincts and hostile atmosphere has been created against the Islamic Republic. To which international court has the judiciary appealed to Hamid Nouri’s case? He stated: The case of Hamid Nouri has a political aspect and it was formed with the instincts of the hypocrites and opponents, and the name of this case cannot be called a judicial case.

He said that the case of Hamid Nouri is a political case that unfortunately the Swedish judiciary has not complied with its minimum international and domestic standards in this regard, adding: in all international documents such as international pacts, political and civil rights and all What international, regional and domestic human rights instruments do we have in the world? For a fair trial, there are criteria that the defendant should have these rights of defense, but unfortunately in this case, the smallest standard has not been observed.

Khodaeian said: “The international networks of the countries that claim human rights should pay attention to the fact that Hamid Nouri’s rights have been violated and they have not even paid attention to the criteria that they have set in these trials.” This person has been arrested for more than 2 years and is being held in solitary confinement and does not have the slightest human rights.

Hamid Nouri was not even allowed to contact his family

A spokesman for the judiciary added: “For seven and a half months after Hamid Nouri’s arrest, he was not even allowed to call his family, and Iranian consular officials were not allowed to meet with him.” They did not allow Hamid Nouri to visit his family in person for two years, despite the fact that his family has repeatedly appealed to the Swedish judiciary.

He said: “One of the rights of the defendants according to international documents is the right to have a lawyer appointed, ie the defendant must be able to introduce his lawyer for defense, which this person has introduced a lawyer, but they did not accept and chose a government lawyer for him.” This person has repeatedly stated that he is being tortured by the police, but no one has paid attention. He suffers from an eye disease and has announced that he is becoming blind. He has requested a doctor but has not been allowed to have a medical examination so far.

A spokesman for the judiciary said that the trial is being held in a situation where there is a heavy media atmosphere. “Every defendant has the right to introduce witnesses in order to defend himself. Have not investigated while allowing his opponents to introduce intuition and maneuver against him; This person is a human being whose human rights should have been taken into consideration.

Asked where the human rights claimants are, he said that such a person was arrested by the Swedish judiciary under the instigation of hypocrites and does not have the possibility of legal and humanitarian defense, adding: “I advise the Swedish judicial authorities to return to their original mission and Perform their duties and not be influenced by the atmosphere and political instincts, and be sure that this court is a stigma on the forehead of the Swedish judiciary, against which the future will have a bad judgment.

Regarding the process and measures taken to defend the rights of Hamid Nouri, he said: The holy system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, like any other country, defends its citizens; This person is also an Iranian citizen. The International Affairs Office and the Judiciary Human Rights Headquarters, with the assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have been following up.

Khodaeian added: “Follow-ups will continue in order to provide legal assistance and defend the rights of this person.” We hope that the Swedish judiciary will come to its senses and comply with this person’s standards. We believe that this person has not committed a crime and that his trial is illegitimate and should be terminated, rather than issuing a statement for his life imprisonment, contrary to the principle of innocence before conviction.

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