socialWelfare and Cooperation

37% of the commitment to create employment in Kermanshah has been fulfilled – Mehr News Agency Iran and world’s news

In a conversation with Mehr reporter, Mukhtar Ahmadi stated that the meeting of the employment and investment working group of this province is being followed seriously to help create employment and solve the unemployment problem, and stated: 46 thousand and 82 job opportunities for Kermanshah province during the current year forecast has been

He added: So far, 17,000 job opportunities equal to 37% of the commitment to create employment for this province have been realized.

Director General of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare of Kermanshah province, referring to the state of commitment to create employment in Ravansar city, pointed out: 1,747 job opportunities are predicted for this year in this city.

Ahmadi added: So far, 600 job opportunities have been fulfilled, amounting to 36% of the commitment to create employment in Ravansar city.

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