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550 schools in the less privileged areas of Isfahan will be improved – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr News Agency, Mohammad Reza Ebrahimi, in the ceremony of opening the project of Martyr Ruhollah Ajamian for the improvement and revitalization of schools in underprivileged areas, said: We thank God that on the eve of Ghadir Eid, in an area where loving Amir al-Mu’minin (AS), something is going to happen in line with the religious teachings and the progressive school of Shia.

He added: Everyone has come to do something in the direction of Alawite justice, because one of the philosophies of creation is spreading justice, and we are all waiting for Hazrat Qaim (A.S.), and if these things result in educational justice, we will move in this direction.

Ebrahimi, referring to the naming of this project after the martyr Ruhollah Ajamian, said: Today, as the second meeting in the last forty days, we reached the service of the hardworking people of the less privileged neighborhood of Joy Abad and we followed up on the approvals we had in the first meeting because all of them must be done and Of course, the major part of it has been implemented and the remaining part must be done to sweeten the taste of our main audience, that is, the students.

Director General of Education of Isfahan province added: In the past approvals, we mentioned several points that Joyabad region is a region with high potential and if the ground is provided for the development of students’ talents, we will have superior students from this neighborhood.

He said: Another point is that the capacity of consultants from anywhere in the country to help students is less available, and the General Directorate of School Renovation also needs to discuss special equipment for schools in these areas.

Ebrahimi pointed out: 10,000 schools in the whole country have been selected for the Shahid Ajamian plan, and in Isfahan province, 550 schools have been put on the special agenda of this plan to be improved and rejuvenated.

According to Mehr’s report, Shahid Ruhollah Ajamian’s plan is for the improvement and revitalization of schools in underprivileged areas with the participation of jihadist and popular groups.

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