68 prisoners per 100,000 in Uzbekistan

The number of Uzbek prisoners is 68 per 100,000, according to the World Prison Brief, according to a Fars News Agency correspondent in Tashkent. With this index among 223 countries in the world, this country is ranked 179 in the world.
According to the organization, there are currently 22,800 people in prisons in the country.
Studies show that the number of prisoners in Uzbekistan is 68 per 100,000. Uzbekistan ranks 179th out of 223 countries in the world.
Other countries, including Turkmenistan, number 567 per 100,000, Thailand 445 per 100,000, and the Maldives 333 per 100,000.
It ranked first in the US global ranking of 629 per 100,000 people. There are a total of 2.6 million people in the country’s prisons.
«Сан MarinoIt is the only European country without prisoners.
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