Chastity and hijabsocial

A book reading campaign for “Rihane 4” for women and girls will be held – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr news agency, Behshar (Astan Quds Razavi Publishing House), which is experiencing its 14th book reading campaign with this course, tried to introduce 4 works as reading resources to the audience, just like the previous study campaigns. This survey is for women and in it, works have been selected in the groups of children, teenagers and adults to include more different tastes and ages.

Hossein Saeedi, CEO of Behnasr, considered the most important goal of study campaigns to be the introduction of good books on issues affecting the society and said: In the situation where the culture of hijab and chastity as a Sharia and religious obligation has been subjected to various interpretations, Astan Quds Razavi Publishing House The society is responsible and committed to today’s conditions; Because regardless of the spiritual and sublime position of Razavi’s Astan Quds in preserving and expanding Razavi’s spirituality, morals and way of life, books and written content products play a very important and effective role in the fields of education and belief, and nothing is better than books in creating intellectual and ideological tastes. And what we read does not affect the mind and conscience of people, and on this basis, we organize the “Rehaneh 4” study campaign, focusing on books about chastity and hijab, especially for girls and women in three age groups: children, teenagers and adults.

He explained about the content of the works and its audiences of different age groups: One of the study resources of the 14th study survey published and the fourth study survey “Rehane 4” is the collection of “Hanane’s stories” for children. In this series, a girl named Hananeh wants to make a wall newspaper with the topic of hijab for the school homework celebration. But he doesn’t know much about it. That’s why he asks for help from others and there are many adventures along the way, which are told in twelve volumes in the form of stories for children. The collection of “Hanane’s Stories” written by Ali Babajani and illustrated by Golnaz Sarvatian has also been published in a hard cover. For the teenage audience, two books “Sea and Fire” and “The Moon in the Mirror” have been introduced. In these works, stories are told in sweet language for teenagers on the subject of hijab and chastity. Also, the important passages of the book “Issue of Hijab” written by Shahid Motahari have been discussed in the book “Sea and Fire” with a new perspective. The author of the book “Sea and Fire” is Nasser Naderi and the author of “The Moon in the Mirror” is Amir Mahdi Murad Hashil. The book “Khanoom Mah” specially for the adult audience has been published in the genre of female heroine books by Besher Publishing House. This work is based on the narrative language and is based on the central character and heroization of the wife and mother, which is expressed in a sweet and motherly language, and by reading it, the audience identifies with the hero of the story and the narrative and accompanies him in different parts of the book. and learns

About the timing of the fourth study campaign “Reihana” and how to participate in this campaign, the CEO of Behsher said: This campaign starts from the days of the martyrdom of Hazrat Zahra (pbuh) and continues until the birth of Hazrat Siddiqa Tahira (pbuh). To participate in this survey, those interested should choose one of the books and after reading the book, text the lottery code (inside the book) to 30003209. The books of this survey are offered with a 20% discount in Behnashr bookstores and on the website of these publications at the address Also, with the aim of honoring the people who participate in this campaign, eight gift packages worth 15 million Rials each have been considered.

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