A militant woman whose husband was a police officer / My house was stoned for taking a picture of the Imam

Family group:Undoubtedly, the role of women in the Islamic Revolution, if not more than men, is certainly not less than men. Women in various positions of mother, wife, child and sister have been present in various scenes of the revolution and have been arrested, imprisoned and tortured during the struggle.
“Huri Din Pajoohi” is one of these strong-willed women and women fighters before and after the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Has encouraged.
Here is a summary of his biography and part of his memories of the revolution:
I was born in 1330 in a religious family. I remember my childhood because I loved Hosseini groups and delegations. And there will be a resurrection on earth. With this feeling, I learned the school of martyrdom from my childhood. When I was 9 or 10 years old and maybe even younger. I went through the books and the text of the lamentations with me and gathered the children of the neighborhood and read the lamentation book to them and told the children to lament with me and beat their breasts.
My childhood passed like this, I attended school until the third grade of middle school, and in 1947, I married Mr. Hakam Ali Sadr al-Dini, who was a police officer. My wife was friends with Mr. Sheikh Majid Sokhnour, and through him he became acquainted with ideological and militant issues. Become familiar. Because he had studied until the sixth grade, he easily reads these books.
I also read these books, Mr. Sakhnour said, “Be careful that these books do not fall into the hands of anyone and no one knows that you are reading these books. I also explained everything I learned from reading these books to women in mosques. At that time, we were mostly active in the mosques of Pir Roshnai, Javanabad and Hosseinieh Mullah Malek.
During these days when I was engaged in Quranic activities and ideological debates, it was reported that a mujtahid named Ayatollah Khomeini (ra) was standing in front of the Shah and protesting against the law of land division. Later, the agents announced that because Mr. Khomeini’s father had lost his land in this law, he had protested for the same reason, that is, it was a personal protest, not that he wanted to protest against the land division law.
Referring to his wife’s dismissal from the police station, the campaign activist noted: “Sometimes he and his friend Mr. Sokhnoor were harassed a lot at the police station, they said, ‘I wish we had a shop and it was our job, but we were not police officers.’
During the years 48 to 50, my wife was unemployed for a year due to her activities and ideological issues, and her salary was cut off, and we became housewives. During this year, we sold our household items and made a living. We had a very difficult life. After that, my wife appealed to Imam Reza (AS) and wrote a letter to him. After a while, he was invited to work again and his clothes were given to him, but this time he was exiled to Tabriz. May God have mercy on her, she was not born and died in 1953 at the age of 38 due to heart disease, and our life together lasted only seven years, and the result of this life together is a daughter named Fatima.
My wife and her friend, Mr. Sakhnour, were a political and militant activist while they were police officers. It was heard and my wife was fired for her ideological issue.
* Hide books by the bed
After the death of my wife, I was still engaged in Quranic and ideological activities in mosques. In those days, I was working in the Taq Mosque in Maragheh with Ms. Reyhani, who was in charge of the mosque sisters. Ms. Reyhani had given me some books, and I hid them in the beds so that SAVAK agents would not see them.
There were many marches in those days, but usually women did not take part in the march. One day, a march started in front of Shir va Khorshid Hospital and marchers started chanting. That day, we were reading and interpreting the Quran in the Taq Mosque. We heard voices outside and went outside the mosque. Have participated. Demonstrators marched in front of the Taq Mosque, chanting, “Hello, Olson, Zeinab Lor Suzlerha, Zeinab Kobra Dan Aldouz,” We participated, this was the first women’s march in Maragheh, which was attended by more than 50 women.
The march was like this: The brothers clasped their hands together and made a circle, and about 20 sisters were in the middle of the circle. We also came out of the mosque and joined the sisters in the middle of the circle and marched, our slogans Most of the deaths were on the king.
* I gave my mask as a gift
In that march, which was registered as the first march of Maragheh women, I wore both a headscarf and a chador. One of the women was without a hijab. “It is obvious to put this mask on your head.” He also accepted and thanked.
Then, as we chanted, we marched towards Imamzadeh Mohammad. One of the revolutionary brothers who led the march thanked the women for attending the march, saying, “The agents are tearing gas and we are not satisfied that the sisters fall to the ground in front of the officers and other gentlemen.” “And this is not good for you ladies.” One of the sisters said, “Even if it rains, we sisters will stay.” The same brother said, “Dear sister, we do not want to make the presence of the sisters in the march only once. “Come back, you came on stage very well for the first time.” It was after these conversations that the brothers opened their arms and the ladies came out of their circle and we returned home.
* You get a royal salary, why do you say death to the king?
In those days, many people made fun of me and said that you get a salary from the king, why do you say death to the king? In response, I said, “Incidentally, you and all of you are eating what we can afford. This is the king who is eating our rights, you do not know.” People used to tell me that if the king found out that you were chanting against the king, he would cut off your rights.
* I used to walk in tents from home to school
For the first time, I installed a photo of Imam Khomeini in the Tepli Bagh Mosque. In those days, at the invitation of Ms. Azami, who had four sisters and was very active in the struggle, I was invited to the Islamic Republic Party and I went there, young people came to mosques and were very active, and I invited them to fight and march I was encouraging.
In 1956 and 1957, we were facing a severe shortage of oil. I was standing in line to buy oil when I saw a young boy holding a picture of Mr. Khomeini. I gave the oil money to that young boy and bought a picture of Hazrat Agha. (I do not remember the boy selling the photo or I gave him the oil money myself to take the photo) I went to the mosque and installed it in the mosque library for the first time.
When I posted that photo in the library of the mosque, it was midnight and it was dark everywhere. The hypocrites who were in the neighborhoods pelted my house with stones.
After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (ra) had said that brothers and sisters should work in their own homes and hold reading, writing and literacy classes. At that time, no literacy movement had been formed and no new books had been published. Alizadeh, who was a cleric, gave me the books of the Knowledge Corps, and for eight years I taught the books of the Knowledge Corps in my private house during the summer and winter, at the behest of the Imam. After Imam Khomeini ordered the formation of literacy movement classes, I also held literacy movement classes along with Quranic sessions.
Source: Fars News Agency interview. East Azerbaijan Portal
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