Ahmadreza Ahmadi was the role model of “Reza Project”.

Reza Babak, who collaborated with Ahmadreza Ahmadi during his career in the theater group of Kanun Parvesh Fakhri, remembers him as a lovable, thoughtful, well-mannered, well-dressed and very bold artist.
Charso Press: This actor, who is saddened by the death of Ahmadreza Ahmadi, says: In artistic work, having courage is very important, and Ahmadreza Ahmadi was bold both in his poetry and in all other branches of art. He had experience in writing screenplays, plays, paintings, speaking and even acting, and his courage was evident in all of these.
Babak continues: I saw him not so far away at his painting exhibition. After a long time, I hugged him and kissed him on the face. I knew that his illness had been bothering him for some time, but his sense of humor had not diminished. He always had a sense of humor and a witty answer.
This theater director, who sometimes writes poetry and paints, adds: We were a lucky generation who had the chance to see great contemporary poets and writers in our youth. Great people and influential artists. The most important feature that most of them had in common was their courage to innovate and break old patterns, and Ahmadreza Ahmadi was one of the pioneers of this movement.
Referring to the years of Ahmadreza Ahmadi’s presence in the Center for Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents, which coincided with the activities of the first theater group of the center, he reminds: I, along with Bahram Shah Mohammadlou, Marzieh Broumand, Sosan Farrokhnia, Alireza Hedaei and Erdovan Mofid, worked in the first theater group of the center under the supervision of Don Lafon, and we had the good fortune to, in addition to working with a great artist such as Bijan Mofid, also benefit from a conversation with Ahmadreza Ahmadi. Sometimes he made themes for us and helped us, watched our plays and even invited us to his house.
Emphasizing the important effects of the center for the intellectual development of children and adolescents and the presence of artists such as Abbas Kiarostami, Hossein Alizadeh, Bahram Bayzaei, etc. in this center, Babak reminds: In the center, we published several works in the form of pages and introduced the works of the country’s greats such as Nima Yoshij and others to children and adolescents, some of which were directed by Ahmadreza Ahmadi and we were the voice actors.
He continues: Ahmadreza Ahmadi was a great poet and his paintings reminded one of Sohrab Sepehri’s paintings, in his play with colors and even in the lack of colors.
This artist, who is interested in working in different branches of art, says: For me, who is known as “Reza Project” among my friends and who likes to work in various fields of art, Ahmadreza Ahmadi Nazanin was a good role model because he was innovative and bold in all his works.