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Alborz won the fifth place in employment in the country – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

In an interview with Mehr reporter, Abdallah Haina said: Alborz province ranked fifth in the country in the combined evaluation of the Deputy of Entrepreneurship Development and Employment of the Ministry of Labor Cooperation and Social Welfare, and this report was presented in the presence of the honorable President of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the council meeting. It was read that the country’s employment is excellent.

He stated: This evaluation was done in seven departments: entrepreneurship, employment of foreign nationals, policy making, employment secretariat, home jobs, investment and job search.

The director general of cooperation, labor and social welfare of Alborz province added: the recent evaluation in the field of entrepreneurship of indicators such as the leadership of the youth entrepreneurs club and the licensing of counseling centers and employment services, as well as the holding of the festival of top entrepreneurs, the establishment of the official center of top entrepreneurs and carrying out creative measures in line with the development of entrepreneurship have been.

He continued: In the employment sector of foreigners, the indicators of issuing and renewing work permits, inspection, electronicization of services, as well as the training of the Iranian workforce by foreigners and efforts to replace the Iranian workforce with foreigners have been among them.

In the field of policy making, the axes of active policies of the labor market, internships, insurance consultations, and in the field of the employment secretariat, the indicators of achieving the employment commitment, the performance of the monitoring dashboard, and the performance of in-person supervision have been evaluated.

Director General of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare of the province, referring to the recent evaluation, said: in the home business sector, licenses such as issuing home business licenses, payment of facilities and creating employment and control and supervision in the home business sector, forming cooperatives to meet needs and In the investment sector, the implementation of Paragraph A of Note 18 and Para b It includes Note 16 and the Law on Sustainable Rural and Nomadic Employment.

He said: One of the other indicators of the evaluation of the provinces in the field of entrepreneurship development and employment was the realization of the employment of the labor force through the job search and the issuance of the job search quota of the province, which is due to the grace of God and with the efforts of my dear colleagues in the general department of labor cooperation and social welfare of the province and of course the support of the governor. Respected and the cooperation of other related executive bodies of the province, the fifth rank of the country was awarded to this province, and we are trying to bring this rank closer to the top of the table and improve it.

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