InternationalInternational Economics

Allocate $ 5.7 billion to Ilano Mask for charity

According to the Fars News Agency’s International Economics Reporter, quoting راشاتودیAccording to documents submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, between November 19 and November 29, Ilanomusk, as the richest man in the world and the founder of the American Tesla Automobile Company, had a total of 5.44 million shares in Tesla. Has donated nearly $ 6 billion to fight global hunger.

Last October, the World Food Program (WFP) said it would eradicate world hunger if Mask donated $ 6 billion.

After the move, Musk told the media that he would donate the money if the UN World Food Program provided a detailed package on how to tackle hunger and solve the world’s $ 6 billion problem.

Two weeks later, UNFPA Secretary-General David Beazley challenged Mask by presenting a comprehensive package, and a few days later, Ilan Mask is said to have begun donating about $ 6 billion in Tesla shares to charity.

Of course, this is not yet the largest amount of money donated to charity in the world, as Bill Gates and his wife have donated $ 15 billion to charity.

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