American author: World security was weakened by the assassination of Soleimani

In an exclusive interview with IRNA on Tuesday, Robert Fantina made this statement on the occasion of the anniversary of the cowardly assassination of Sardar Haj Qassem Soleimani, the then commander of Iran’s Quds Force.
“This claim is not true at all,” he said, dismissing US officials’ claim that the world was “safer after the assassination.” Sardar Soleimani was advancing to help his government prepare to defend Iran against any US or Israeli invasion.
The Middle East analyst continued: “In fact, he was assassinated only to help the country become brave in the face of this invasion.” However, unfortunately, the United States and Israel are wrong to think that he was the only one who could do this defense.
“The world has also become less secure because former US President Donald Trump has not been held accountable for this international crime,” Fantina said. Hence, if one world leader can violate international law with impunity, as any other leader in the world can do, as Trump has done.
“There are a lot of people who have done this before,” he said. US presidents have done this for centuries, and Israeli leaders have certainly followed and continue to follow that brutal and illegal example.
The human rights activist added: “The assassination of Sardar Soleimani only increased hostility to the United States and Israel and put the United States in a worse position than its Middle East policies.” The United States seeks hegemony for itself in the world and for Israel in the Middle East, but ignores the fact that the assassination of popular military officials does not make its assassins popular with the people.
Regarding the responsibility of the countries or the regime involved in the assassination, Fantina said: “It is said that Trump has authorized this criminal act, but the United States needs the help of other countries and Israel is definitely involved in this crime.”
He added: “Israel has a long history of assassinating Iranian scientists and is currently supporting anti-government terrorists opposed to the legitimate Syrian government.”
The author of “False Propaganda, Lies, and False Symbols; How the United States Justifies Its Wars” stressed that Israel’s desire to become the sole power in the Middle East has been challenged by Iran’s power and influence; Therefore, the possibility of its participation in this criminal assassination is very high. But, as mentioned earlier, Israel, like the United States, has ridiculed international law and human rights.
Regarding the assassination of Sardar Shahid Soleimani and his entourage by the United States, Fantina said that “Trump has tried to weaken Iran since the beginning of his presidency, calling the Comprehensive Joint Action Plan (CJAP)” the worst deal in history “and ultimately out of it. Was. “
He added: “He ordered the re-imposition of sanctions on Iran and constantly criticized everything that Iran does militarily, even its internal military training operations.”
The American analyst continued: “Most likely, he considered Sardar Soleimani to be in charge of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and believed in his naive and ignorant way that he would destroy the IRGC by assassinating the general.”
Fantina added: “He is completely unaware that Iranian nationalism is far greater than any other person and that the assassination of Sardar Soleimani cannot and will not be able to destroy or even weaken the IRGC.”
“Unfortunately, his successor, incumbent President Joe Biden, seems as ignorant as Trump,” he said.