Application and softwareScience and Technology

Apple did not approve the new Telegram update

Ever since Apple launched the App Store, small and large software developers have been facing challenges in the company’s approval process, and their apps have been delayed or removed. In the meantime, the Telegram messenger has also faced a challenge. Pavel Durov, Telegram’s chief executive officer, published a message on his Telegram channel on August 10 and announced that its latest update has been involved in Apple’s review process for 2 weeks, and the company does not provide any information about the reason for this delay.

Finally, yesterday he talked about what happened on his Telegram channel. According to Durov, Apple told Telegram that it should remove a new feature called Telemoji. This feature is actually a quality animated version of the usual emojis.

According to Aetna from Mehr, according to Telegram’s chief executive officer, this feature is similar to the set of emojis used by Apple. “Apple’s move is puzzling because Telemoji adds a new dimension to low-resolution emojis and enriches their ecosystem,” he wrote in a post.

In fact, Durov pointed out that there are more than 10 new emoji packs in the new Telegram update, and the company is devoting time to making a telemogi that is even more special.

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