Banking and insuranceEconomical

Assist the IMF in digital money and central bank independence

According to the public relations of the Central Bank, Dr. Ali Salehabadi in a virtual meeting with the Middle East Regional Director of the International Monetary Fund, referring to the IMF technical assistance to member countries, discussed digital money and said: It is a new phenomenon that can be used to discuss the implementation of monetary policy and control and reduce the role of cash in the economy.

The Governor of the Central Bank called for using the experiences of the International Monetary Fund in the field of central bank independence and said: “Using the experiences of central bank independence can play an important role in maximizing the effectiveness of central bank policies in the economy.”

Benefiting from the implementation of mass communication policies and public opinion management The third issue was the technical assistance of the Governor of the Central Bank to the Fund’s Middle East Regional Director.

He noted that the central bank’s interaction with public opinion is important in implementing monetary and banking policies, so redefining how to deal with public opinion based on the experiences of successful IMF member countries can be beneficial to other members.

He went on to point out the economic damage of coronary heart disease and said: “Efforts to implement the necessary measures and policies to limit the effects of the pandemic are on the agenda.”

Criticizing the non-payment of RFI funding for the import of corona vaccines due to irrational US pressure, Salehabadi called for financing for the import of medical items and stressed: “It is necessary to help reduce the bottlenecks facing companies and households.” To take.

At this meeting, the Governor of the Central Bank called on the IMF Managing Director to send the Iranian case to the IMF Board of Directors as soon as possible for approval of loan repayments, as is the usual procedure for other countries.

Salehabadi said that Iran welcomes the plan to establish an Adaptation and Stabilization Fund (RST) to provide financial assistance to low-income and middle-income countries in need, adding: “I am confident that this fund will cover the needs of applicant countries to manage the economy and Coming from coronary heart disease will be effective and useful.

Emphasizing efforts to create more transparency on how to use the fund’s resources, the central bank governor said: “Unused resources from rich countries to weak and needy countries must be implemented and operationalized.”

“Knowing your priorities, how to help the IMF and help governments accelerate economic recovery is a valuable experience for member states,” he said, referring to the deteriorating economic situation due to the Corona pandemic. .

The Azores expressed satisfaction with Iran’s economic stabilization despite the challenges, citing multiple economic shocks, a corona pandemic and sanctions.

It is worth mentioning that the 24-year-old group of the International Monetary Fund, consisting of the Ministry of Finance and the heads of the central banks of developing countries, including Iran; Formed with 24 members, it now has 28 members; It is considered a good place for member countries to exchange views on economic issues and formulate optimal policies for their growth and development. Also in this group, there is an opportunity for cooperation and sympathy with other international organizations.

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