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Beware of the mischief of the westerners! / Hijab; Freedom or captivity?

Life group: The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution has repeatedly emphasized in his speeches on the importance of hijab. What you read below is his enlightenment on the subject of hijab and chastity.

Hijab; Captivity or freedom ?!

“This life passes; His pleasures and hardships all go to the objective side. You did not understand this correctly in your youth. In youth, man thinks that the world is fixed, that it is stationary, that it is always like this; When you reach our age, you take a look, you see the world is passing wonderfully fast; You blink, the past. Well, the other side: “And that is the Hereafter for the beast”; (1) life and life, there. “This is the one who preaches God to worship” (2) – which is recited today in the verses of the Qur’an – the divine good news is there. For that, as well as for the preservation of the dignity of the country and the progress of the country, women should take care of the hijab, the chastity, the constraints and the adherence; This is the task. Show-off is a moment, and its negative effects are destructive and lasting for the country, for society, for morality, even for politics; While the consideration of chastity, the consideration of the shari’ah limits in the behavior and movements of women, if it is difficult, is a short difficulty, but its effects are profound and lasting. Women themselves must be very careful about the issue of hijab, the issue of chastity; It’s their duty, it’s their honor, it’s their character.

Hijab is the source of a woman’s identity and freedom; Contrary to the foolish and superficial propaganda of the materialists, it is not a means of capturing women. By removing her hijab, by stripping herself of what the Almighty God has asked her to hide, she lowers herself, makes herself light, makes herself worthless. Hijab is dignity, it is sobriety, it is the value of a woman, it is the weight of her honor and respect; This should be highly appreciated and Islam should be thanked for the issue of hijab; This is one of the divine blessings. “” 02/23/2012 “

Reflection of hijab in the will of the martyrs

“Did you see how much hijab is recommended in the wills of the martyrs; Well, the hijab is a religious ruling; “This ideal of the martyrs should not be forgotten.” «۱۳۹۵/۰۷/۰۵»

“This young man gets up, goes to war, takes his life in his hands, crosses dangers, why? This is reflected in the wills; For God, for the Imam, for the hijab. “” 07/05/2016 “

Hijab on the championship platform

“It’s very important that you [ورزشکاران]How do you do that? The young lady who walks on the podium with a tent shows that she is resistant to the visible and invisible attacks that are being done in the world by anti-cultural and anti-religious centers and against infallibility and purity. Shows a personality; “That is, it actually introduces its nation.” «۱۳۹۳/۱۱/۰۱»

“Everyone should thank our female athletes from the bottom of their hearts who are present in the fields with hijab, chastity, sobriety and dignity.” “12/21/2012”

“This issue of our women and girls athletes who go to the field with hijab is very important.” “12/21/2012”

“You see how much they are spending and working now to get rid of the hijab in the world; Countries that also consider themselves the cradle of freedom, you see what they are doing to fight the hijab. Now, all those organizations that fight against hijab, on the one hand, this faithful athlete sister and our young daughter, who appears in front of the cameras of the world with Islamic hijab and veiled clothes – or with a chador or with that beautiful form of value – and shows that this Value is adherence and this scene is reflected all over the world, this is another side; In fact, by doing so, he neutralizes all those advertisements. “” 07/14/2004 “

Beware of the mischief of the westerners!

“The debates over women’s clothing are good debates; However, it should be noted that no discussion in these areas related to women’s clothing is affected by the Western propaganda onslaught; If it is affected, it will be damaged. For example, let’s think to ourselves that we should wear hijab, but not a chador; This is a wrong idea. Not that I want to say that the tent is a unique type; No, I say chador is the best kind of hijab; A national symbol of ours; There is no problem; It has nothing to do with any movement in a woman. If it is really a building of mobility and social work and political work and intellectual work, a woman’s formal dress can be a chador, and as I said, the chador is the best kind of hijab.

Of course, it is possible to wear a veil and not have a chador; But this is where the border must be found. Some flee the tents so as not to be caught in the West’s propaganda attack; However, when they escape from the tent, they do not face the real hijab without the tent; Because it is also being attacked by the West!

Do you think that if we set aside the tent, we would be stripped of the so-called veil and the clothes “and we made them in the Qur’an” (1) and the ones in the Qur’an? No, they are not satisfied with these things; They want their own vile culture to operate here; It was like the time of the king. At that time, women did not wear hijab at all; Even here, when it comes to these things, there is much more unrest; Almost at the time of the Shah, the unrest in the city of Tehran and some other cities in our country was more than usual in European cities! The average woman in Europe had her own dress; But it was not like that here. As we have seen and heard and known, and the scenes that have been before me ever since, one really wonders why this should happen; As is the case in many unfortunately backward Muslim and non-Muslim countries. “Therefore, value issues must be addressed carefully and with utmost curiosity and without neglect.”«1370/10/04»

Why hijab at all ?!

“The value issues of Islam must be revived in our society. For example, the issue of hijab is a matter of value. The issue of hijab is an issue that, although a prelude to higher things, is itself a matter of value. We, who are so constrained by the hijab, do so because keeping the hijab helps a woman to reach that high spiritual level and not suffer from the very slippery slips that have been placed in her way.
The opposite point is the very Roman culture that governs Europe today. They cope with everything but two or three things; One of them, and perhaps the most important, is maintaining this state of discipline between men and women; That is, restraint in the face of what is called sexual freedom. On the contrary, they were very stubborn; It does not matter what else they do. In their view, someone is reactionary to rely on this issue. If in a country, women are separated from men by a certain amount, this would be against civilization! They are right; Their civilization, which was built on the ruins of the same Roman civilization, is nothing but this; But this is wrong in terms of value; The picture is correct. We owe it to the Western world to come and humiliate human women so much during the past to the present. You see, in Europe and in Western countries, until recently, women did not have independent financial rights. I once extracted the statistics carefully and presented it in a speech that apparently took place in the Friday prayers four or five years ago.

For example, until the beginning of the twentieth century, with all the claims that have been made, with the discovery of the strange hijab that has increased day by day in the West, with the endless and unrestrained sexual intercourse that they think it is to respect and value women. At the same time, Western women have no right to freely use the wealth that belongs to them! In contrast, the husband did not own her own property. That is, the woman who got married, her wealth and property belonged to her husband; He himself had no right to seize it; Gradually, property rights and labor rights were given to women until the early twentieth century. That is, this issue, which is one of the most basic human rights, was withheld from women; But they put more pressure on the issue, which is the exact opposite of the real value issues that have been addressed in Islam. “That is why we are so insistent on the hijab now.”«1370/10/04»

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