Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Bimah Mellat received a license to accept reliance from abroad

According to Puli Mali news, Mellat Insurance Company, which in the past years has made great efforts to innovate and compete in the regional and international markets in the field of reinsurance, was able to receive a license to accept reinsurance from abroad for the sixth year from the Central Insurance of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Previously, Bimah Mellat was the first and only private insurance company in the country that received the license to accept foreign insurance from the Central Insurance for five consecutive years. By maintaining insurance relations with international brokers and insurers, this company pursues its insurance activities beyond national borders, and now by receiving a foreign insurance acceptance license, it can cover the risks of foreign insurance companies.

Bimah Mellat, in the last three years, has also won the title of the richest insurance company in the country and holds the record of financial wealth among insurance companies.

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