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Build muscle even in your sleep with this supplement

Everyone thinks that in order to build muscle, they have to exercise hard and eat a high-protein diet. Of course, it is exactly true, but most people are unaware that you can build muscle even in your sleep. If you want to get multiple results from the efforts you make during the day to increase the muscle growth of your body, stay with us in this article. We are going to introduce you a supplement that is very useful and can make protein synthesis possible for you even in your sleep. Taking casein supplements before going to sleep is the subject of this article.

What we read in this article

Eat casein protein before bed

80% of milk protein is casein. Milk contains two types of protein: whey, which is also called whey, and casein. The most important difference between whey protein and casein is that casein is digested very slowly in the human body, but whey protein is digested quickly. If you are looking for a complete protein with an animal source, casein can be one of the best options for you because it provides all the amino acids necessary for muscle growth and repair.

If you ask the opinion of the most prominent sports trainers, they advise you that it is better to use casein supplement at night and before sleep. In this case, muscle protein breakdown during sleep is minimized and muscle growth and recovery are improved.

The benefits of taking a casein supplement before bed

There are 2 types of casein protein: one is micellar casein, which is the slowest type of casein to digest, and the other is hydrolyzed casein, which has a faster absorption rate. Micellar casein is the best type of casein to use before bed. The benefits of consuming casein before bed include the following:

Casein supplement before bed

Slow digestion and sustained release

As we mentioned, casein protein is a slow-digesting protein that allows amino acids to be continuously released in the bloodstream over several hours and provides a constant source of protein for muscles during sleep.

Muscle protein synthesis

During sleep, the human body undergoes muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and the process of repairing and building muscle tissue continues. Consuming casein protein before sleep can provide the amino acids necessary to support MPS during the night and have a significant impact on muscle recovery and growth.

Satiety and reduction of night hunger

The effect of casein protein on satiety is more than other types of protein. If you consume casein protein before going to bed, you will not be hungry during the night and you will not wake up; Especially if you are one of those people who constantly crave at night.

Of course, keep in mind that if you consume enough protein during the day, you may not need to eat casein anymore. The amount of protein consumption in your body should not exceed the limit because it will have side effects.

Casein for muscle recovery in sleep

The majority of people consider the process of sleep as a time to rest, so that their body’s fatigue due to activity during the day is removed. For this reason, they have the idea that if they eat something shortly after bedtime, that food will turn into fat and cause excess weight. But the point is that these ideas are not completely correct.

Do not underestimate the benefits of taking a casein supplement before bed. If you eat casein before bed, instead of breaking down your muscles, muscle synthesis will take place and muscle mass will increase. Also, another benefit of consuming casein before bed is that it helps recovery and you will experience less muscle fatigue. Again, we emphasize that you should not eat more than the allowed amount of protein during the day. Consult your trainer or doctor about whether casein consumption before bed is necessary for you.

Introducing the best casein supplement

We have explained the benefits of consuming casein before bed. If you want to buy the best casein supplement, stay with us:

Maskali casein protein powder

If you are looking to buy a foreign casein supplement, we introduce Mascali casein protein powder, which is licensed in Belgium. You can use this supplement to increase the amount of lean muscle in your body. The use of this supplement is especially suitable for people who are losing weight because casein delays hunger. You can witness the regeneration and growth of your muscles by taking this supplement. Mix one scoop of this supplement in 250 ml of water and drink it daily.

Mascali caseinMascali casein

Buy Maskali caseinBuy Maskali casein

Casein Protein Powder Knight Pro Dr. Sun

As the name of this supplement suggests, it is specifically for use at night. Dr. Sun Night Pro casein protein powder is slowly digested and absorbed in the body and is considered as an ideal casein supplement before bed. When you take this supplement before going to sleep, the growth of muscle mass continues and the speed of recovery increases. If your trainer has approved, pour one scoop of this supplement in 250 ml of water and drink it before going to bed.

Casein Dr. SunCasein Dr. Sun

Buy Dr. Sun caseinBuy Dr. Sun casein

Pharmatech casein protein powder

In order to maintain muscle mass while sleeping, you can use Pharmatech casein protein powder. Taking casein before going to bed prevents muscle wasting and even increases fat burning. This casein protein comes in a delicious chocolate flavor. Mix 2 to 3 scoops of casein protein powder with 500 ml of cold water or milk and drink. There are many amino acids in this supplement that will help muscle protein synthesis.

Casein PharmatechCasein Pharmatech

Buy Casein PharmatechBuy Casein Pharmatech

Kazu Pro Apex powder

You can choose Kazu Pro Apex powder to consume casein before going to bed. This powder is suitable for recovery and increases muscle strength and endurance. All essential amino acids for the body are present in this supplement. You can use 2 to 3 cups of this powder daily in combination with cold water or low-fat milk. The best time to use this product is before and after training and before sleeping.

Apex caseinApex casein

Creep Casein ApexCreep Casein Apex

A final word about taking casein before bed

If the casein supplement is consumed before sleep, not only will it prevent muscle wasting, but it will also help the growth of muscle mass. Casein digests very slowly in the human digestive system, and for this reason, it is better to use it before going to bed. Almost all the benefits of whey protein supplements are also found in casein. You can get the best casein supplement right now from Positive Green online pharmacy.

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