Capitalist toy women – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr News Agency, Vahida Ali Mirzaei. The researcher of the field of women and family addressed the issue of women in a note, the details of which are as follows;
Social networks in the context of an information society depict the effective function of the network, which is convergence. Social networks, as one of the prominent services of cyberspace, have led to the formation of concepts such as intimacy and trust in cyberspace. Concepts that in the not-so-distant past were a dream to achieve and realize. Communication in social networks are spontaneous. In this communication style, the role of people in producing, distributing and receiving messages is greater.
The messages circulate in two ways and among the group of people. Due to its age, social networks are the first place where users can be seen in dealing with the spread of rumors and illogical topics. Users used to deal with these issues on their personal page; But the rapid and widespread expansion of social networks among people has raised questions about their possible consequences for users and society.
With a closer look, society can be a combination of multiple networks including inter-organizational networks, intra-organizational networks, personal networks, computer networks, networks Faramarzi imagined that information flows through them. Social networks are also mentioned as social media in the course of their technological progress. In the definition of social media, it should be said that they are a type of media that appeared after mass media and provide the possibility of interaction between the producer of the message and its receiver.
According to experts, social networks, like other technologies, have their own norms and anomalies. Virtual social networks and the formation of cultural and social relations in its form, while being a useful tool for acquiring and exchanging information as well as a space for expressing and showing the cultural identity of its members, can also be destructive.
In other words, social networks are a powerful tool that can cause corruption due to non-commitment to the components, values, and norms of society, as well as a tool for scientific, cultural, and social education and growth. provide people; Therefore, with the existence of virtual social networks, a new form of life has been formed in the virtual space, and the relationships between people are different from its traditional form, and undeniable changes have been left on social relationships.
In the discussion of the pathology of the family institution, one of the most important axes is the examination of the damage caused by the changes in the family. Developments that are the source of deep and fundamental changes in the type of relationships and family values. The emergence of communication technologies in the present era, along with the developments that have occurred in the virtual space, has disrupted many functions of the family.
The crisis of nakedness in the virtual space, which has not long shown itself as a religious and cultural challenge, has emerged less than a decade after the formation of the first social networks; Therefore, the use of virtual social networks has negative effects on the state of chastity and youth and in practice promotes problems in this field for young people. What we are facing as bad hijab and lack of hijab in religious society is a colonial and imported culture. Even after the revolution, in order to advance its colonial goals, the enemy has considered disrespecting countries like Iran that have cultural authenticity and has not spared any efforts in this way. How ignorant it is that the enemy, with the aim of respecting the privacy of women, has put his hands on this divine duty and chanted the slogan of voluntary hijab! Unaware that in order to satisfy his dirty desires and accumulate his capitalist waste, he has made this mirror of God’s beauty a toy.