Celebration of Adoptive Families in the Vice President for Women and the Presidential Family / The Concept of Family as Narrated by Adoptive Couples

Family group: According to a Fars News Agency reporter, on Wednesday evening, October 10, a ceremony was held to honor and adopt adoptive families in the presence of a group of families and their children in the office of the Vice President for Women and Family.
At the ceremony, Dr. Ensieh Khazali, Vice President for Women and Family, began his remarks with a hadith from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and said: Be that he is asleep and does not know his need. That is, it should not be the case that someone raises his need and we seek to satisfy it later at his request. This means dignity and greatness and achieving a good life.
Khazali said about holding and attending the ceremony: “Today is one of the best days of my life. In your presence, I am a good person who chose the best kind of life and the best way to support others – and give them a taste of good life and family.” Taste. And maybe many of the days I was in charge this past month have been very difficult for me. Because I saw a lot of misery and suffering, I went to prison. I saw women heads of households and their problems. I saw women prisoners whose children were displaced, and when a person sees these but cannot solve them, he lives with them. , Gets up and his mind is not free. And perhaps one of the most beautiful things you have done is that you have covered some of these children, and it is not enough to just cover them with property and facilities, but you will enjoy the life of life and family that many long for. They tasted it and I really congratulate you for choosing such a secretary in your life and congratulations to those who chose disabled children and are seriously seeking treatment for their illness.
Training camp to prepare child-bearing couples
“God gave me the chance to be in an orphanage one day at the age of 18 and experience a special day. Seven or eight children came to me and even hugged me. I was called mom. This feeling of lack of hugs that children have is beyond material. The experience of hearing the word mother at that age was very interesting to me, as well as the questions that children asked about my mother at that time. That day changed the course of my life.
“We want to have a place that is like a training camp for those who want to enter the path of adoption and prepare them for this responsibility,” she said. There must also be a legal basis in our country to move in a direction where no children are confined to orphanages so that these children do not feel the lack of family nurtures. Even the lack of someone to ask them about their lessons. Therefore, we have a plan called sustainable life, which takes care of families who are not able to take care of their children so that their children are not away from home.
My wife and I were supposed not to choose the children!
Ms. Eskandarnejad, one of the families present at the ceremony, said about her adoption: “We had a son born in 1992, who unfortunately died in 1994 due to cardiac arrest.” We had a very good child experience and the blow was so severe that we did not think we could breathe anymore.
Because we were older, we did not have children on the advice of a friend and decided to have children.
The adoptive mother continued: “Please do not look at the children with compassion and kindness and this is a kind of childbearing that we have chosen, but I thank their biological mother. I thank the children for giving us the name of the parents.” They return and I thank God that our work went so fast.
My wife and I decided not to choose children because children are not fruit, so we decided to accept the first offer.
We had very good days together. After 8 months of living in the environment they had prepared, they gave us the children. My wife loved it very much and kept saying, “Can’t it be sooner?” I used to say that a pregnancy itself takes 9 months.
Ms. Eskandarnejad complained about the content of the TV movies that refer to adoption, saying: A doctor or ambassador should come.
Priority should be given to the well-being of the couple
Mohammad Reza Khaki, a father of three, wrote in a text that the priority for welfare should be for couples who cannot have children.
Mohammad Reza Karami, another adoptive parent, also said about their family’s adoption:
We also have a care center for orphaned and disabled children, but I never understood what adoption is like when we brought my daughter, she just started talking after two months. While in our care center, which is the paradise of Imam Reza (AS), he did not speak at all. We have been working on the adoption of children with disabilities in Imam Reza Paradise for several years, and fortunately, many families have come to us in recent years to accept children with disabilities.
Mr. Karimi’s wife Fatemeh Taati also said about their adoption: “Due to my wife’s job, we also wanted to taste this sweet taste, and our life really turned upside down after my daughter came in February last year.”
My daughter has a short stature. These children have problems. And some families do not accept these children and leave them on the road or in orphanages. I made this move to support these children. I ran a lot in welfare, but they said that we consider these to be healthy and they do not check them. In this way, we became acquainted with the short stature association, and I formed a group in which short stature friends and mothers with short stature members are members. To address concerns ranging from medical and therapeutic problems to their future employment
I would love to see these kids in the community. Some people call them dwarfs so that they are not harassed in society, but these children call themselves short and ambitious.
Administrative bureaucracies do not allow us to treat children in a timely manner
Mr. Barshi, who has two children, while appreciating the welfare staff, also expressed his grievances as follows: We should thank the welfare staff and the nurseries because they are closely involved. I have witnessed some mistreatment of staff. If we have to honor and celebrate them.
We ask Ms. Khazali to ask for welfare to be a little easier. I was really annoyed with my second child, and I even say that I can have up to 5 children under treatment. But these 2 years of running are really hard. I want to say to the welfare, give me that sick baby that I will treat soon because the nursery itself owes a lot.
The nursery even holds diapers for bottle money. Give the children to the people. Let us be the servants of these children.
Do not thank us; God has given us children like this
Mr. Hosseini, one of the adoptive parents, said regarding the culture of the society regarding adoption: “I must say that God has given us a child like this. Otherwise, do not thank us or say that we are right.”
We ask senior executives to do culture-building at the community level. We can control our small community, but we want you to teach the whole community how to speak and act, and even ask God to give them children like that.
We lost 6 months of our children’s presence due to administrative bureaucracies. We could have had children at 4 months, but at 10 months we brought our twins home.
We are grateful to our children!
Ramin Kia, one of the adoptive mothers, spoke at the end of the meeting and said: “I have added two angels to my house for 10 years, but I still can not control my emotions when I want to talk about them and I cry about what happened to me.” My daughters helped me get into life coaching. I believe that we are not their guarantor, but I believe that God is the only guarantor of all of us.
I have worked in welfare centers for a long time and I believe that everyone here has a duty.
Many tell us that it is good, but we should appreciate our children, because many of our abilities only flourish in the family, and we found this opportunity. I believe that every single person in the universe is a symbol of the names of God. And each of us has a way in our lives.
At the end of the meeting, the participating families were praised and thanked with gifts, and it was decided that the families would discuss privately with Dr. Khazali in a closed environment without the presence of the children.
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