“Choice” news site was banned

According to Fars news agency, in today’s meeting of the press supervision board, the issue of publishing a video and a report titled “Iran’s brand auction/ Why is Iran’s foreign policy so weakened?” in which materials outside the limits of the law and contrary to national interests and against the fundamental policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran in foreign policy had been published, and that board, based on the note of Article 12 of the Press Law, issued a decision to ban this news site and it was decided to refer the violation case to the judicial authority for consideration.
Previously, this media violated the limits of the press law in publishing materials with the titles “big riots, few victims; Humans are not grass to be weeded” and also “in the current situation, it is futile to expect an expert’s opinion in the bills and approvals…” has been sent by the press supervision board for consideration by the judicial authority.
Also, the publication of similar and numerous other articles from this media during the past year with titles such as “Three proposals to resolve the cold winter of Iran-Europe relations/…”, “The free fall of the value of the national currency is caused by the explosion of liquidity/ in In the coming months, we will face more inflation/…” or “The economic team of the government is sleeping, the dollar is on the train, the brakes have been cut…” raised in the meetings of the supervisory board and leading to a warning or discussion and negotiation with the manager in charge of this media. In order to comply with the legal limits and modify the procedure and maintain the principles and professional ethics and public interest, the material has been published.
The press supervision board, in addition to appreciating the professional performance of the media in critical and fair criticism and enlightening public opinion, and at the same time paying attention to the need to preserve and protect national interests, especially in the field of diplomacy and the principles of the country’s foreign relations policy, and to create peace and increase Hope and social capital invites respected media managers to help and make extra efforts to maintain these interests and realize the policy of developing relations with neighbors and the international community, and prevent despair and strengthen national cohesion and unity as much as possible.
It is worth mentioning that according to Article 10 of the Press Law, the press supervision board consists of the following people: one of the judges chosen by the head of the judiciary, the minister of culture and Islamic guidance or his authorized representative, one of the representatives of the Islamic Council chosen by the parliament, one of University professors chosen by the Minister of Science, Research and Technology, one of the managers responsible for the press chosen by them, one seminary professor chosen by the Supreme Council of Qom Seminary and one member of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution chosen by that council.
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