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Comprehensive or incomplete plan of Hamedan! This is the problem

The director of the urban planning department of Bu Ali Sina University stated: One of the issues that can be mentioned in relation to the comprehensive plan of Hamadan city is the lack of attention to providing a clear vision and approach to the development stimulus in the overall plan in order to evaluate and lay the foundation for judging the plan and development process. It is strategic.

In an interview with ISNA, Dr. Hassan Sajjadzadeh continued: “Scientific supervision of advisors and local and academic experts as the fourth factor in preparing a comprehensive plan could have prevented many errors and mistakes in this area.”

He added: “The need for pathological analysis in the past and upstream master plans and examining the strengths and weaknesses of the plans and upstream documents in order to address the challenges and problems of previous plans are other criticisms of this plan.”

Sajjadzadeh stated: It is necessary to employ specialized forces and teams familiar with the issues and contexts of Hamedan in the body of the consulting company in order to provide accurate and practical studies and suggestions in the project preparation process.

The university lecturer added: “Lack of attention to the wise use of the opinions of experts, managers, academics and technologists and familiar with the issues of the city and urban planning and presenting them in a scientific way in preparing a comprehensive plan is another objection to the comprehensive plan.”

He further stated: It is necessary to use many articles, books, dissertations and treatises in the field of thematic and local studies of urban planning in Hamedan, which are the result of decades of experience and study of professors, experts and students in this field.

Sajjadzadeh said: Considering that in the planning document of the province, the basis of development of Hamedan city and province was agriculture and tourism, but in the context of the mentioned studies, not only is not seen an approach, but in some cases, contrary to the mentioned approach, developments have been proposed. .

The faculty member of Bu Ali Sina University added: It was expected that after several decades of error and trial in preparing comprehensive plans, in these studies, with the CDS approach, which happened to be prepared by this CDS studies consultant, he prepared the comprehensive plan of Hamadan metropolis.

He said that this project lacks economic, social, environmental and cultural attachments and therefore its implementation is difficult, he said: studies lack of incentive and participatory packages to facilitate the implementation process and benefit from the views of stakeholders and stakeholders. Is influential.

Sajjadzadeh said: “Also, the mistakes in some statistics and field perceptions and the inaccuracy of the consultant’s perceptions with the current situation and the production of appropriate maps in this field is another criticism of the above plan.”

According to the director of the urban planning department of Bu Ali Sina University, the mentioned studies lack the necessary flexibility and feasibility, and the bedrock and presentation of different scenarios and alternatives in the process of staining and implementation is observed in it.

He added: “Uncertainty or re-suggestion of many spots within the range that were still not concluded in the comprehensive plans in the last decade has been suggested in this study without any special justification.”

Sajjadzadeh added: “Uncertainty or citing the rules and regulations of previous projects in these studies and skepticism about the detailed plan by the same consultant in the direction of uncertainty of many spots or regulations can be seen.”

This university lecturer considered the lack of using or presenting successful domestic and foreign experiences in preparing comprehensive urban plans and the lack of using new tools and software and methods and technologies in preparing a comprehensive plan as another objection of this plan.

He continued: “Physical, quantitative, traffic-oriented, project-oriented and engineering and hardware approaches are observed in the preparation of the mentioned plan instead of using human, social, environmental approaches and using strategic development approaches.”

Sajjadzadeh added: “Also, neglecting the capacity assessment and livability studies of Hamedan city and destroying the city limits and annexing some areas such as Aliabad, Qasemabad and 2 villages, as well as Jorqan city, which destroyed hundreds of hectares of pure agricultural lands and gardens in The near future will lead, without any convincing justification in this regard is another critique of the comprehensive plan of Hamedan.

He went on to point out the neglect of the consequences of physical development that will lead to the development and creation of new suburbs and new slums, and said that neglect of the three very important principles of TND (neighborhood-centered), TOD (public transportation) , And TDR (Transfer of Development Right) in the process of preparing comprehensive plans, which is recognized in all developed countries as the basic principles of comprehensive and development-oriented plans.

According to Sajjadzadeh, ignoring the consequences of polarization and social inequalities and neglecting environmental justice and the distribution of urban services, the proposed spots for leisure and entertainment and green space to prevent social and environmental discrimination is another issue in this plan. Has been neglected.

The university lecturer continued: “In addition, the neglect of balanced development in all urban areas, as well as the neglect of the distribution of land uses from the axial neighborhood level, the axial area to the axial area are other drawbacks of the plan.”

He said: Lack of review in the zoning, zoning and neighborhood system of the city of Hamadan and the lack of regulation of these divisions based on social, environmental and cultural considerations is another case that this negligence has created many problems in the city.

Sajjadzadeh further stated: Lack of attention to the urban regeneration approach and tourism economy, especially in the historical context in order to improve the quality of urban environments and textures based on the human-centered approach is another objection to the above plan.

According to the director of the Department of Urban Planning at Bu Ali Sina University, the lack of a sustainable and realistic traffic model in the city and uncertainty in this area and the presentation of some traffic proposals that will have commercial and costly consequences without much achievement can also be examined. The plan has not been taken into account.

He continued: “The lack of a defense attachment regarding the location of spots or separate or connected developments of the proposal, which will have many negative effects and consequences, especially in the entrance axes of the city, should also have been considered in the plan.”

Sajjadzadeh added: “Focusing on separate development instead of connected development and ignoring the environmental, economic and social effects and consequences in the near and distant future is the next point that has been neglected in the master plan studies.”

He also considered the lack of attention to the lack of water resources in the city of Hamedan in the location and physical development of the city of Hamedan, which shows the lack of attention to the considerations of livability in the city of Hamedan, very important and forgotten in the plan.

Sajjadzadeh stated that the uncertainty of many lands and spots, especially BROWNFIELD and industrial burnt lands, is also considered in this field. Urban is another issue that needs to be addressed.

According to this university lecturer, little attention should be paid to the pedestrian and human-centered approach in order to promote the mental and physical health of citizens and, conversely, to encourage the construction of non-level intersections and large-scale projects that will cause great economic and social damage. Was examined.

He added: “Inattention or lack of attention to the revitalization of traditional neighborhoods (grasses) as well as rivers, urban valleys, canals and springs and natural and historical spaces of Hamedan is another point that has been ignored in studies.”

Sajjadzadeh further pointed to the lack of attention to the branding approach of creative places and cities in the development of historical or natural context of Hamedan city and said: ignoring the scientific and academic poles, health medicine pole, history and civilization pole, sustainable green city pole And many natural and social assets, potentials, capacities and capitals have not been considered in the process of preparing the plan and the scope of the comprehensive urban plan.

He added: “The defined privacy will not in any way prevent unwarranted encroachments and commercial interventions in the future in natural and agricultural environments, while legal issues, ownership and perception have not been seen in this regard.” Is.

Sajjadzadeh continued: the level and levels and per capita of green standard or other social services and the lack of providing standard and appropriate levels and levels appropriate to the cultural, social and climatic fields of Hamedan have also been neglected or neglected.

According to the director of the urban planning department of Bu Ali Sina University, the neglect of using tools such as questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and other participatory tools to strengthen the master plan studies and benefit from the opinions of people, experts and even tourists in Hamadan are other criticisms. Is the plan.

He added: “Lack of providing a role for the radial and circular networks of Hamadan and for proper planning to provide a green and smart traffic model in the future should be considered, in addition to the main structure and geometry of the city in the process of physical development and The interplay of urban components and elements that will lead to uncontrolled development and marginalization has also been neglected.

Sajjadzadeh mentioned the lack of studies related to the manner and possibility of implementation, as well as the revenue generation of the municipality, TV and urban landscape, and added: Comprehensive design studies have received little attention.

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