
Deaf men and women taekwondo teams start camp

According to IRNA, the Deaf Sports Federation, the third evaluation and selection camp of the national deaf taekwondo teams to participate in the 2021 World Deaf Taekwondo Championship hosted by Tehran, started on October 9, in the men’s and women’s sections of the federation’s national teams camp.

In the women’s section, 14 athletes are present in this camp under the supervision of Azadeh Yasai, the head coach of Kyurogi, and Parisa Khani, the head coach of Pumseh.

In the men’s section, 13 athletes started training under the supervision of Kyurogi head coach Hossein Ali Naimi and Pumseh head coach Ali Salmani.

The third camp for deaf taekwondo practitioners will continue until November 26 in Tehran.

Deaf Taekwondo nationals are preparing to participate in the 2021 World Deaf Championships in Tehran. The first round of these competitions will be hosted by our country in November of this year and will be held at the Tehran Taekwondo House.


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